Making Scotland’s Future: a vision for manufacturing

Information on a programme of work to strengthen Scotland’s manufacturing sector

Programme and partners

Our Making Scotland’s Future (MSF) programme provides a collaborative framework to supporting the delivery of our ambitions for the sector as reflected in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.  The stated goals of the programme are to:

  • Boost productivity, innovation and minimise environmental impact
  • Inspire, attract and retain a diverse talent pool with skills to prosper
  • Stimulate investment to increase competitiveness
  • Catalyse job creation and strengthen supply chain linkages
  • Drive global recognition and become more internationally competitive


The workstreams of the MSF programme cover 5 key themes:

Supply Chain Development

  • Lead: Scottish Enterprise
  • Supply chain networks, existing and new markets, public spending and procurement

Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Transformation

  • Lead: CENSIS
  • Manufacturing and digital technologies to meet current and future industry requirements

Innovation Ecosystem and Collaboration

  • Lead: NMIS
  • Centres of Excellence, Innovation Strategy, coordination of ecosystem, BERD, networks, public and private partnerships

Skills, Leadership and Culture

  • Lead: Skills Development Scotland/NMIS
  • Focussed advanced and digital manufacturing training, leadership and skills development programmes

Industrial Productivity and Competitiveness

  • Lead: Scottish Enterprise
  • Productive businesses, lean processes, competitive capability and effective leadership programmes
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