Making Scotland’s Future: a vision for manufacturing

Information on a programme of work to strengthen Scotland’s manufacturing sector

Public support

The Scottish Government has invested heavily to support the manufacturing sector, in particular to promote the take-up of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes.  This is vital in order to keep the sector competitive in the global marketplace.  In particular, the Scottish Government and its partners have invested a total of £75 million in NMIS – the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland – enabling the construction of its outstanding flagship facility in Renfrewshire.

Located near Glasgow Airport at the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS), NMIS is a high performing industry-led research and development group with a mission to make Scotland a global leader in advanced, sustainable manufacturing.  As such, it works with industry to unlock productivity gains, develop new products and processes, and promote sustainable practices that will offer a competitive edge.  The new facility, alongside the other specialised elements of the NMIS Group, acts as a powerful catalyst for investment, innovation and continuous improvement across the sector. NMIS Group consists of:

We also established the Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund (AMCF) to support manufacturing sector leadership and capabilities in Scottish SMEs. From 2020, a total of twelve projects across Scotland were taken forward by a mix of organisations.  The European funding which enabled them is no longer available.  However, many of the projects have been very successful, leading to significant ongoing funding support.  The projects that continue to offer a service are listed below:

Scottish Enterprise also run the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS).  SMAS was established in 2004 to provide small and medium sized manufacturers with practical support and advice on new manufacturing technology and best practice.  SMAS can offer a number of services to businesses including:

  • a capital asset review service, to help companies to assess the benefits of investing in advanced manufacturing technologies and equipment.
  • a manufacturing 4.0 service that helps manufacturing companies to take advantage of new technologies and advance their integration with data and digital.

For a more comprehensive view of facilities and services on offer to Scottish-based manufacturers, have a browse of the Manufacturing Support Network.

For general business support, go to Find Business Support

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