
Manufacturing recovery plan: consultation analysis – March 2021

Summary report presenting the findings to a consultation on - "Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan for Manufacturing". In addition, Annex 1 within this document signposts to a range of public sector funded support initiatives and organisations available to help manufacturers.

Background to the consultation

This summary report presents the findings to a consultation on – "Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan For Manufacturing".

The document proposes a series of actions for public agencies, industry and academia to take forward as a partnership by the end of 2021. Its publication followed the report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, which recommended that bespoke sector recovery plans are put in place.

Setting out a vision to secure a strong and sustainable future for the manufacturing sector, the Plan focuses on four inter-dependent priority areas: Collaboration and networks; Supply chains and competitiveness; Adaptation and transformation; and Skills and workforce.

The partnership worked at pace to develop a suite of actions focused on identifying opportunities for both recovery and growth, and complement the range of business support measures that have already been made available to help deliver long-term sustainability for the Scottish manufacturing sector. Work has begun on the immediate actions. Concurrently, the partnership sought rapid input from industry and other stakeholders on a list of proposed actions with an aim to refine the plans for delivery and to seek out ways to enhance outcomes.

Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan For Manufacturing was published for consultation on 4th December 2020. Following a request from sector stakeholders, the consultation period was extended by four weeks to accommodate the time needed by businesses to manage the impacts of the EU Exit. As a result, the consultation closed on 12th February 2021. The draft Plan is available at:



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