
Making Scotland's Future - recovery plan for manufacturing - draft: consultation

We are consulting on Making Scotland's Future - a draft recovery plan for manufacturing which proposes a set of actions for delivery over the next 12 months which has been designed with industry, public sector, trade union and academia.


Since original publication on 4th December 2020, the consultation period has been extended and will now close on 12th February 2021. This decision is in response to early feedback from industry stakeholders to accommodate the priorities of our businesses who are continuing to prepare for all scenarios of the EU exit. A final Recovery Plan and list of actions is now expected for publication in March 2021. The length of extension been agreed by all partners as reasonable and will not impact on the wider delivery of the actions in the Recovery Plan.

Since original publication on 4th December 2020 it has been noted that on page 12 the quote by James Withers originally stated the sales lost due to COVID-19 had been around £3 million. The correct figure is £3 billion and the documents have been updated accordingly.



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