
Making Sense Programme: final report

Report detailing the work undertaken by the Making Sense Working Group to support the implementation of these recommendations through the Making Sense: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Programme 2014 to 2019.

Introduction and Background

In 2014 Education Scotland published their report Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland. The Making Sense report was the outcome of an independent review of education for children and young people with dyslexia carried out on behalf of the Scottish Government. The report highlighted five interlinking recommendations, as below, to improve the outcomes of learners with dyslexia which the Scottish Government’s response supported.Introduction and Background


1. Access to up-to-date practical advice for schools, learners and parents

2. High quality Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) (school, local and national level) related to meeting the needs of learners with dyslexia

3. Initial Teacher Education (ITE)/Postgraduate course content to include dyslexia and additional support needs

4. Action to improve the quality of educational outcomes for learners with dyslexia, highlighting dyslexia friendly practice

5. Improved availability and use of reliable information on learners needs, development and achievements.

The Scottish Government established the Making Sense Working Group to support stakeholders to implement the Making Sense report’s recommendations. The group was co-chaired by the Scottish Government and Education Scotland for the initial project set up and then chaired by the Scottish Government throughout the remainder of the programme. This is the final report of the work undertaken by the Making Sense Working Group to support the implementation of these recommendations through the Making Sense: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Programme 2014 – 2019.



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