
Making Sense Programme: final report

Report detailing the work undertaken by the Making Sense Working Group to support the implementation of these recommendations through the Making Sense: Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Programme 2014 to 2019.

Annex C : Making Sense Final report: 2017-18 Masterclasses and Modules 1-3

Event location Number of attendees on day
(100 invited/event)
Feedback (General)
Edinburgh 70 ‘Really enjoyed the day – thought-provoking and interesting to hear what different authorities are doing compared to own.’
‘A very insightful day and an opportunity to reflect on my current practice.’
‘Clear information about the definition of dyslexia and highlighting resources to support learners and teachers.’
Actions to take as a result:
Revise my approach to assessment for children likely to be identified as dyslexic.’
‘Motivated to continue with modules’
‘Reinforced current practice and provided info to pass to colleagues.’
‘Informed and effective day which has encouraged me to reflect on my practice and make improved changes and enhanced my understanding of useful support strategies.’
‘To develop and improve relationships between school and pupil support to support the learners with transition beck to school.’
‘Gather more evidence to support identification.’
‘I will access resources detailed today to build a presentation to ensure teachers are developing their classrooms to be inclusive for all learners.’
‘ I feel that attending this Masterclass will allow me to make much more practical use of the Toolkit, both in terms of how I create an inclusive classroom and also my own professional development.’
Glasgow 84 ‘Very worthwhile and informative!’
‘The reason I have identified good rather than excellent is that I would like the difficulties to be acknowledged that are facing schools trying to implement effective support on a consistent basis due to cuts and staffing.’
‘Very useful to hear about resources, Ambassador outreach programme, Dyslexia Unwrapped website, CALL Scotland.’
Actions to take as a result:
‘Cascade to schools when working across the city as I do not work in one establishment’
‘Confirmed information I know. Will now do modules ad run CPD for staff on Toolkit and modules’
‘Help develop specific GDSS INSET relating to disseminating use of Toolkit/undertaking modules.’
‘Encourage teaching staff to consider module 1.’
Kilmarnock 59 ‘The working examples and sharing real life stories about pupils and experiences from school were very useful.’
‘The HGIOS4 information was extremely useful – on using this as an evaluative tool, as did not make the connection between all QIs and inclusive practice before.’
‘Useful awareness of Dyslexia and Making Sense reviews, which have never been shown in school. Appreciated discussion around how to support learners.’
‘’Left with a depth of knowledge and increased confidence (and passion!).’
Actions to take as a result:
‘Haven’t spent enough time surfing the Toolkit website – going forward this will be a priority, thank you.’
‘I will ensure I adapt dyslexia identification accordingly’
‘Update class Toolkits, ensure that out Gold status is supported across the stages to meet the needs of all pupils. Access updated toolkit for resources/videos.’
Inverness 59 ‘It was particularly helpful to have clarification of the roles staff have towards making/developing an inclusive school’
‘Hearing about the resources and legislation was very helpful’
‘Examples of inclusive practice were particularly useful’
Actions to take as a result:
’Set up a primary-Secondary dyslexia working group’
‘Make adaptations to improve curriculum delivery’
‘Share professional learning with colleagues’
Dundee 91 Information about the Dyslexia Toolkit
‘Thank you for today – it has certainly made consider what is happening at my school and I will endeavour to change things and ensure all staff are universally support our children’.
‘This professional learning provided opportunities to share experiences, reflecting on practice’
‘This will help me streamline my recording & assessment procedures’
‘The Young Ambassador for Inclusion Film!
‘Collaboration and discussion’
‘Thank you, great opportunity to hear from different schools and authorities’
‘So much excellent information available to share with colleagues. Love the Literacy Circles.’
Actions to take as a result:
Inform school planning’
‘Need to go away and make time to go through the Toolkit. Fired up to start Module 1!’
‘Motivated me so I can go and register for online modules’

Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Modules - Data

Dyslexia and inclusive practice Modules One Two Three
Professional roles of respondents 34% - Sfl teachers
24% - primary teachers
2% - CLD/community link
2% - primary Head Teachers
2% - primary Depute head
4% - secondary teachers
11% - support assistant
23% - Other
54% - Sfl teachers
20% - primary teachers
4% - Adult educators/CLD
3% - primary Head Teachers
3% - secondary teachers
1% - support assistant
14% - Other (educational psychologists, primary teacher in ASN, English)
55% - Sfl teachers
9% - Adult educators/CLD
5% - primary teachers
5% - primary Depute head
4% primary Head Teacher
4% - FE practitioner
18% - Other (parent, principal teachers for ASN, needs assessor for FE/HE)
Number of responses (on Survey monkey – see also OU numbers) 250 70 22
Percentage of respondents who found navigation of course very easy or easy 82% 80% 90%
Percentage of respondents who felt module greatly improved or improved their knowledge of topic 92%
(20% greatly improved
72% improved)
(29% greatly improved
61% improved)
41% greatly improved
55% improved)
Percentage of respondents who plan to change practice, influence change or share learning as a result 87% 86% 86% plan to share learning with colleagues
Percentage who felt the Reflective log will be useful when completing GTC Scotland Professional Update? 81%
(17% said it was not applicable)
(14% said it was not applicable)
(18% said it was not applicable)
Percentage who are very likely or likely to recommend course to others 95%
(55% very likely, 40% likely)
(53% very likely, 43% likely)
(56% very likely, 32% likely)

Evidence from survey monkey of modules

Anyone who completes the Open Learn Create modules has the option of completing a survey about their experience through the Survey Monkey platform. See the table Annex B for an overview of the levels of satisfaction and professional roles amongst those who had completed this survey by the end of July 2019. In addition, here are some selected comments about each module by some of those respondents.

Module 1 – General comments:

“Module 1 should be mandatory for all teachers.”

“At long last. Thank you. I will be encouraging as many staff as possible to complete this module.”

“The video from Sharon Hall was very effective and informative. Further videos from those who work in the field would be beneficial. I enjoyed the module, found it informative and a good place for consolidating knowledge, and I look forward to the second module.”

“Lots of thought-provoking sections. Using the reflective journal made me really focus on what I do well and what I could improve on.”

“It has reminded of things that I used to do better than I am now!”

Module 1 – Changes that practitioners plan to take forward as a result:

“I am going to be working with a group of pupils who have completed a dyslexia screener and hope to use the first sessions with them to look at using technology to support them and then maybe get these pupils to help show their peers /staff how to use the technology available, if pupils in the group feel confident enough to do this.”

“I am now going to look at the way I plan my class seating and how I set out the plan on a Monday letting the pupils know how there week is going to go when they attend.”

“I am new to Support for Learning, so this course has been extremely useful. I am also hoping to start my teacher training within the next year, so this has been very informative and given me an insight which will help in the classroom.”

Module 1 – Ways in which practitioners plan to influence wider change:

“We are undertaking the course as a staff and the online nature is ideal as staff can complete the modules at a time and a place that suits them.”

“It is a great idea to provide this sort of resource - in general I find class teachers to be a bit wary of dyslexia as they feel that they are unqualified to comment or act. This free, online course provides me with somewhere I can direct colleagues who wish to develop their understanding of dyslexia and how learning can be affected.”

“It would be great to encourage Pupil Support Assistants who often work directly with learners with dyslexia, to complete this module (and not just market the course at teachers).”

Module 1 – suggestions for change/future learning modules

“I felt that the course was useful to bring issues surrounding dyslexia to the forefront of my mind. However with many courses it is always full of theory and terminology rather than offering practical support about HOW to make classrooms and learning activities inclusive. As a single-person department this is what I really want to find out about but find it so difficult to achieve. More practical suggestions of HOW to make learning for dyslexic pupils more inclusive especially at the Secondary level [would be useful]”

Module 2:

“Fabulous to have the relevant information in one place. I have downloaded all of the documents so that I can refer to them.”

“I feel it offers a clarity and a resource to refer back to as I don't like to rely on my memory alone.”

“The information on legislation and procedures with the Scottish context was very useful.”

“It was informative. A lot to take in.”

Module 3:

“I think this is an excellent course. Each module developed further depth of understanding of the topic.

“The only other thing I would find helpful is the addition of examples of work from children with dyslexia and perhaps a case study that has been done. Some concrete examples would have been really helpful.”

“I have newly joined the Scottish system and the guidance on extra reading was particularly helpful….I am hoping to take the lead in how we assess and support students with dyslexia next term.”

“Great to find out the background information and the Scottish stance of all the policies and acts feel much more knowledgeable in this area.”

“Will use it to plan for my son's schooling.



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