National Care Service - making sure my voice is heard: regional forums - findings summary

In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Making sure your voice is heard theme.

About Making sure your voice is heard

This report relates to the feedback we have gathered from the Making sure your voice is heard sessions. This was collected at the events in:

  • Glasgow
  • Oban
  • Elgin
  • Strathpeffer

There was also an online event on this theme for people who couldn’t attend an in- person event (for example due to ongoing concerns about Covid).

In total 84 people took part in the Making sure your voice is heard sessions.

During this first phase of co-design activity under this theme, we have looked at four key areas:

  • complaints and redress: we want to make sure the NCS complaints service is fair, effective and consistent
  • independent advocacy: we want to have a standard approach to independent advocacy
  • support planning: we want to improve the way people can access support
  • eligibility criteria: we want to make sure getting support is based on human rights and needs



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