
Employee capability: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy is not in use after 1 March 2020. Policies in force after 1 March 2020 are on

Annex C: Procedure Flowchart

Procedure Flowchart

** Procedure ordinarily commences from informal stage, although in more serious cases it can commence from formal Stage 1 (or, where all parties are agreeable that exploration of suitable alternative employment is the only option, from Stage 2)

** At all stages, outcomes must be confirmed in writing

Procedure Flowchart

** Exploration of suitable alternative employment, in line with the Board’s redeployment policy, should be subject to interim review, with the Stage 3 meeting being convened (where this was pursued at Stage 2) or reconvened (where this was pursued at Stage 3) at the final review date if no suitable role has been secured.


Email: Darren Paterson

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