Management of shared fish stocks: agreed records 2022

Agreed records of consultations from meetings of delegations from the United Kingdom, Norway, the European Union, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, the Russian Federation, and Greenland held between 19 and 27 October 2021 on the management of the blue whiting, Atlanto-Scandian herring, and mackerel stocks in the North-East Atlantic in 2022.

Agreed record of conclusions of fisheries consultations between the Faroe Islands, the European Union, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom on the management of Mackerel in the North-East Atlantic for 2022. 

London, 27 October 2021

1. A delegation from the Faroe Islands, headed by Mr Herluf SIGVALDSSON, a delegation from the European Union headed by Mr Joost PAARDEKOOPER, a delegation from Greenland, headed by Mr Jákup Emil HANSEN, a delegation from Iceland, headed by Mr Kristján Freyr HELGASON, a delegation from Norway headed by Ms Ann Kristin WESTBERG and a delegation from the United Kingdom headed by Mr Colin FAULKNER met in London on 19-21 October 2021 and on 27 October 2021 to consult on the management of mackerel in the North-East Atlantic for 2022. A delegation from the Russian Federation headed by Mr Vladimir BELYAEV participated via video-conference as observer.

2. The delegations agreed that the ICES MSY-advice of 794 920 tonnes should represent the level of catches of mackerel in the North-East Atlantic for 2022.

3. The delegations agreed that the Parties shall continue consulting on a comprehensive and inclusive quota-sharing arrangement as early as possible in 2022, with the best endeavours to reach a swift conclusion. In this context, Parties are invited to provide concrete proposals as from January 2022, taking into account the present situation.

4. The delegations agreed on Terms of Reference for a Working Group on mackerel distribution, as set out in Annex I of this Agreed Record. The Working Group should present its report by 28 February 2022. This report should inform the delegations on the distribution of the mackerel stock.

5. The delegations further agreed to exchange, by no later than 28 February 2022, details of all relevant regulations to provide an historical overview of the mackerel fisheries management by each party.

6. The delegations agreed to meet immediately after the presentation of the report of the Working Group.

7. The delegations exchanged final quota and catch information for 2019 and 2020, as well as preliminary information for 2021. This information is provided in Annex II of this Agreed Record.

8. The delegations agreed to continue to provide quota and catch information in the same format as set out in Annex II of this Agreed Record. The delegations also agreed to exchange information from 2021 and onwards regarding their fishing activities including exchanges and access provisions as outlined in Annex III of this Agreed Record.

9. The delegations agreed that each Party shall, by 1 May 2022, provide updated information according to paragraph 8 to the chair of the consultations for 2023. The chair shall forward this information as soon as possible to all Parties.

10. The delegations agreed that the United Kingdom would act as chair for the Coastal States consultations for 2023.

London, 27 October 2021


For the Delegation of the Faroe Islands  



For the Delegation of the European Union

Jákup Emil HANSEN

For the Delegation of Greenland


Kristján Freyr HELGASON

For the Delegation of Iceland


Ann Kristin WESTBERG

For the Delegation of Norway


For the Delegation of the United Kingdom

Annex I

Terms of Reference for a Working Group on mackerel distribution. 

The Coastal States European Union, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and the Fishing Party, the Russian Federation, agree to establish a Working Group to collect and collate information on the geographical distribution of the mackerel stock in the North-East Atlantic, based on internationally recognised data collection methods and on the distribution of catches from this stock.

The Working Group shall:

1. Present available fishery independent data on the geographical distribution on an annual, quarterly and/or monthly/survey basis for all life stages of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (biomass and abundance or their appropriate proxies) by the respective zones of fisheries jurisdiction and in international waters since 1977. Assess the utility of available data for the purposes of assessing the distribution of the stock in time and space.

2. For each Coastal State/Fishing Party, present total annual catch data by month and ICES statistical rectangle from 1977-2020, and by the respective zones of fisheries jurisdiction and international waters. In the event the data offers lower precision, data can be presented by quarter and/or ICES subdivision. The WG will discuss and agree on the appropriate data sources to be used. Describe the quality and utility of the catch data for the purposes of assessing the distribution of the stock in time and space.

The Working Group should present a report by 28 February 2022.

Annex II

This annex includes a table showing quotas and catches of mackerel in the North-East Atlantic from 2019 to 2021. The table can be viewed in the attached PDF.

Annex III

This annex includes tables showing transfers and access arrangements for mackerel in 2021. The table can be viewed in the attached PDF.

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