
Management Proposals of Inshore Fisheries Groups: Strategic Environmental Assessment Post Adoption Statement

Report on the findings of the strategic environmental assessment of the Inshore Fisheries Groups management proposals, as required under Section 5(4) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005.

1. Background

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 ("the Act") requires that certain public plans, programmes and strategies ( PPS) be assessed for their potential effects on the environment. A strategic environmental assessment ( SEA) is the process used to fulfil this requirement, and includes consultation with the public and the Consultation Authorities [1] . The Inshore Fisheries Groups ( IFG) management proposals fell under Section 5(4) of the Act.

1.1.2 In August 2013, Marine Scotland made public a summary of the management proposals developed by IFGs and an accompanying Environmental Report on the potential environmental effects of management plan proposals. Comments were invited by 10 October 2013.

1.1.3 This Post Adoption Statement forms the final output from the SEA process and is required under the Act. It outlines how the findings of the SEA and the views of consultees on the management proposals and the Environmental Report have been taken into account and concludes the SEA process.

1.2 Structure of this Statement

1.2.1 Section 18(3) of the Act sets out the information that should be included in this SEA Statement. In summary, it should include:

  • how the environmental considerations have been integrated into the PPS;
  • how the Environmental Report has been taken into account;
  • how the opinions of consultees on the management proposals and the Environmental Report have been taken into account;
  • the reasons for choosing the management proposals as adopted, in light of the other reasonable alternatives considered; and
  • measures to be taken to monitor the significant environmental effects of the implementation of the management proposals.


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