
Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011

Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011

Covering Letter

Chief Medical Officer, Public Health and Sport Directorate

Public Health Division

T: 0131-244 2681 F: 0131-244 2157


October 2011

Dear Colleague

Management of Public Health Incidents - Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams

I am writing with regard to the NHS guidance 'Management of Public Health Incidents - Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams'. This document provides guidance for the NHS in preparing for, and managing public health incidents in collaboration with partners, especially Local Authorities.

This document, which was first produced in 2003 (under the original title 'Managing Incidents Presenting Actual or Potential Risks to the Public Health:
Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of Incident Control Teams') has been extensively revised to take account of recent changes in legislation, organisational change and lessons learned from public health incidents. The guidance also reflects current NHS practice and procedures and updates a range of aspects including the future recording of lessons learned.

In undertaking a review of this guidance, a small short life working group was set up led by Dr Helen Howie of NHS Grampian which included representation from a number of sectors including NHS colleagues, the Health Protection Network and the Society of Chief Officers of Environmental Health in Scotland. The group reviewed the guidance in collaboration with the Health Protection Network and agreement has been reached that the guidance will be updated every two years by Health Protection Scotland and reviewed by the SG as necessary.

We are extremely grateful to Dr Howie for leading such a helpful and collaborative process and to those colleagues who took part. I would also like to thank those who took the time to respond to the consultation.

I would be grateful if you would forward the guidance on to local colleagues and partners as necessary. Although the guidance is primarily directed at the NHS it is also relevant for local authority colleagues and colleagues in other agencies. It is expected that this new guidance which supersedes the 2003 guidance will be used and implemented on receipt.

Yours sincerely

Jacqueline Campbell

Head of Health Protection Team


Email: Janet Sneddon

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