
The management of wild deer in Scotland: Deer Working Group report

The final report of the Deer Working Group.

Annex 2 - Deer Working Group Members and Advisers


Simon Pepper OBE (Chair) (died September 2018)

Simon had a longstanding interest in deer management. He was the Director of WWF Scotland for 20 years to 2005 and subsequently held public appointments with the Scottish Government, Forestry Commission, Deer Commission for Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Andrew Barbour (Acting Chair from September 2018)

Andrew is a farmer and forester working on his family owned and run property in Highland Perthshire. He has worked on deer management in woodland and open hill settings and is a former Deer Commissioner for Scotland. He chaired the SNH Panel reporting on the use of authorisations in deer management.

Dr Jayne Glass

Jayne is a Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Rural Policy Centre at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and Honorary Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. The focus of her work is sustainable rural land use and effective participatory decision-making for environmental management.

Special Adviser

Robin Callander (until 30th November 2019)

Robin is an experienced land manager and rural policy adviser. He has been involved in deer management for over 30 years and is a former Deer Commissioner for Scotland. He has worked as an independent Special Adviser for Committees in both the UK and Scottish Parliaments, as well as other public interest committees

External Advisers

Richard Cooke (until 6th September 2019)

Richard is a qualified chartered surveyor and has been General Manager for Dalhousie Estates in Angus since 1989. He is the current Chair of the Association of Deer Management Groups and was also Chair of the Lowland Deer Network Scotland. He is a former Deer Commissioner for Scotland.

Malcolm Combe

Malcolm was a solicitor in private practice until 2011 and was a senior lecturer in the School of Law at the University of Aberdeen while advising the Group. He moved to the University of Strathclyde in December 2019. He has written and lectured widely on Scots property law and rural law more generally. He was an Adviser to the Scottish Government appointed Land Reform Review Group.



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