
Managing allegations against foster carers and approved kinship carers - How agencies should respond

Managing allegations against foster carers and approved kinship carers provides detailed best practice guidance on how to respond when there are concerns about the safety and well-being of looked after children. It is designed to both help to ensure positive outcomes for looked after children and to minimise stress on foster and kinship carers.

Appendix 4

Suggested format for a reporting tool which could be used for recording decision making processes, decisions reached, action taken and action post review.

Part 1

Record of decision making for initial enquiries and child protection processes

1. Description of the concern.

Consider using the SHANARRI indicators for the description.

2. Who has raised the concern?

3. Personnel involved in initial decision making about the nature of the concern and the appropriate response.

4. Format of discussion or information sharing e.g. by phone, e-mail, in person.

5. Conclusion on the Nature of the Concern

a) Concern includes information that there may have been significant harm or risk of significant harm to the child, as a result of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect.


b) Concern is related to the actions of a foster or approved kinship carer which need to be addressed but do not indicate that the child has suffered significant harm


c) No aspect of the carers' behaviour or practice has been observed to be problematic, but some concerns have been raised about the child's behaviour, lifestyle or frame of mind. For example a child may be reluctant to go home to the foster placement or have talked about feeling unhappy in the placement.


d) Complaint from the child, the child's parent or someone else about some aspect of the foster carer's behaviour or practice, but the complaint does not imply any risk of significant harm to the child. Examples might include complaints about choice or quality of food, clothing or use of sanctions.


Please add a brief record of the reasons for your decisions on the categorisation of the concerns

6. Action taken following an initial discussion

a. Tried to obtain additional information about the circumstances or nature of the concern/complaint e.g. by speaking with key people, gathering further information from the child or carers


b. Convened a multi-agency Initial Referral Discussion


c. Referred to Police


d. Convened a planning meeting prior to carrying out a child protection investigation


e. Carried out child protection investigation


f. Matter dealt with through internal enquiries and review


g. Matter dealt with through complaints procedure


h. Moved child(ren) named in the concern from the foster /approved kinship carer placement


i. Moved other children from the placement


j. Moved at least one of carers' children from their care


Part 2

Agencies may wish to use this part of the reporting template when the investigation or enquiry has been concluded:

7. Outcome from child protection investigation

  • Criminal charges continue to be processed through criminal justice system and further review of implications for carers' future as foster carers or kinship carers is needed


  • No criminal case is being pursued, but concerns persist and further review is needed of the implications of some aspects of the carers' practice or behaviour


  • No concerns have been substantiated about the carers' practice, but the allegation has highlighted or resulted in stress between the carer and one or more of the children placed, so the implications of this need further review


  • No concerns have been substantiated about the carers' practice or their relationships with the children currently in placement


8. Outcome for children's placements

  • At least one child remained in the placement throughout


  • At least one child was removed from the placement but returned following the concern being investigated


At least one child was removed from the placement and will not return there


9. Outcome for carers

  • Referred to Fostering Panel with a recommendation that their approval is terminated


  • Referred to fostering panel with a recommendation that there should be changes to their category of registration


  • Approved kinship carer reviewed at arranged meeting


  • Approved status of kinship carer removed


For either foster or kinship carer:

  • Additional training, supervision or support to be provided by the fostering agency


No changes considered to be necessary


10. Following the completion of the investigation:

  • Was an evaluation/debriefing meeting arranged for the carers and key members of the carer family?

Yes/ No

  • Was an evaluation/debriefing meeting arranged for staff involved in the enquiries/ investigation?


What learning was there from this evaluation/review for future responses to concerns about foster carers or approved kinship carers?

How do you intend to take forward this learning?

Were any issues referred for consideration to the Child Protection Committee?


What were they? Brief note of key issues referred.

Names & designations of those present

Date of meeting


Email: Heather Brown

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