
Managing deer for climate and nature: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the Scottish Government consultation on 'managing deer for climate and nature'.

Abbreviations and terminology

In the tables throughout this report, ‘n’ at the top of columns indicates the number of respondents in each group or sub-group, while ‘%’ indicates the percentage of respondents in each group or sub-group.

The following abbreviations appear throughout this report:

DMNRO: Deer Management Nature Restoration Order

DSC1 / DSC2: Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 and Deer Stalking Certificate Level 2

DWG: the Deer Working Group, whose report (published in February 2020) made a range of recommendations for modernising Scotland’s approach to wild deer management.

FLS: Forestry and Land Scotland

VDL: Venison Dealers Licence


The authors would like to thank Simon Anderson (Simon Anderson Consulting) for his help in quality-assuring the report of this analysis.



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