Managing Deer for Climate and Nature: Analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of responses to the Scottish Government consultation on 'Managing deer for climate and nature'.

Annex 2: Organisational respondents

The consultation received responses from 107 organisations or groups.

Land management, estates and farming organisations (31)

  • Allargue Estate Partnership
  • Alvie and Dalraddy Estates (now trading as the Alvie Partnership)
  • Ardkinglas Estate
  • Ardtaraig Farming Company
  • Arran Estates
  • Atholl Estates
  • Auchgoyle Farm
  • Baldoon Farms
  • Bell Ingram LLP
  • Bidwells
  • Castlemilk and Corrie Estates
  • Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) Ltd (Confor)
  • Drummond Estates
  • Glen Dessary Estate
  • Glencalvie Estate
  • Glenfalloch
  • Grosvenor Reay Forest Estate
  • Invercauld Estate
  • Jahama Highland Estates
  • Kingairloch Estate Limited
  • Laudale Estate LLP
  • Lumphinnans Farm
  • Midfearn Estate
  • NFU Scotland
  • Rhiedorrach Estates LLP
  • Scottish Crofting Federation
  • Scottish Land & Estates
  • The Suisgill Estate Partnership
  • Teasses Estate Ltd
  • Torwoodlee & Buckholm Estates Co Ltd
  • Upper Deeside and Donside Land Management Group

Conservation, nature and environment organisations (29)

  • Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
  • Argaty Red Kites
  • The Atlantic Salmon Trust
  • Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group
  • British Bryological Society
  • Buy Land Plant Trees CIC
  • Cairngorms Campaign
  • Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
  • Climate Action East Linton
  • Community Woodlands Association
  • Curam (Fyvie)
  • Friends of the Earth Inverness and Ross
  • Green Action Trust
  • Highlands Rewilding Ltd
  • John Muir Trust
  • National Trust for Scotland
  • Nature Foundation
  • Nevis Landscape Partnership
  • North East Mountain Trust
  • Plantlife
  • RSPB Scotland
  • Scottish Badgers
  • Scottish Environment LINK
  • Scottish Rewilding Alliance
  • Scottish Wildlife Trust
  • Trees for Life
  • Wild Arran Ltd
  • Woodland Trust Scotland
  • Wylder Consulting - Ecological Consultancy

Deer management groups and deer services (13)

  • Association of Deer Management Groups
  • Central Deer Services
  • County Deer Stalking
  • Craigswood Game and Deer Management
  • Easter Ross Deer Management Group
  • Halsall Deer Stalking Society
  • Inveraray and Tyndrum Deer Management Group – Executive Committee
  • Lochalsh Deer Management Group
  • North Ross Deer Management Group
  • The Northern Deer Management Group (excluding RSPB holdings).
  • Perthshire Deer Services (T/A Perthshire Game)
  • Strathconon Deer Management Group
  • Plus a group of (6) sporting deer managers from the East Loch Shiel area

Public bodies (9)

  • Aberdeen City Council
  • Cairngorms National Park Authority
  • Crofting Commission
  • Dundee City Council, Food Safety and Health and Safety Teams, Neighbourhood Services
  • Perth and Kinross Council
  • Renfrewshire Council
  • Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service
  • South Lanarkshire Council
  • West Lothian Council, Parks and Woodland Team

Animal welfare organisations (7)

  • British Deer Society
  • British Deer Veterinary Association (Committee)
  • OneKind
  • Scottish Animal Welfare Commission
  • Scottish SPCA
  • Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)
  • Wild Animal Welfare Committee

Countryside sporting organisations (7)

  • British Association for Shooting and Conservation (Scotland)
  • Capreolus Club Ltd
  • Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
  • The National Gamekeepers' Organisation
  • Scottish Association for Country Sports
  • Scottish Countryside Alliance
  • Shooting & Hunting Academy

Food sector organisations (4)

  • Glenquicken Farm Game Meats
  • Scottish Venison Association
  • Venison Advisory Service Ltd
  • Woodmill Game Ltd

Other organisation types (7)

  • abrdn Climate and Nature Impact Fund
  • Dee District Salmon Fishery Board
  • Fisheries Management Scotland
  • Harper Adams University
  • Law Society of Scotland
  • Ramblers Scotland

· University of Edinburgh, Isle of Rum Red Deer Project



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