
Managing flood risk: research

Index of research publications about managing flood risk.

Mapping flood disadvantage in Scotland

In December 2015 we published research to identify and map the neighbourhoods in Scotland that would be most disadvantaged by flooding. The research identifies the personal, social and environmental factors that make people vulnerable to flooding, and maps the neighbourhoods in Scotland that could be most disadvantaged by flooding:

Natural flood management: assessing the mechanisms for compensating land managers

In 2015 we commissioned Risk and Policy Analysts (RPA), in association with Royal Haskoning DHV and Allathan Associates, to conduct a study looking at compensation mechanisms for land managers who allow natural flood management measures to be implemented on their land. The study has produced four papers:

Assessing the flood risk management benefits of property level protection

In 2014 we commissioned JBA Consulting to carry out research to assess the flood risk management benefits of property level flood protection:

Flood insurance provision and affordability: beyond the statement of principles

In 2013 we commissioned the University of Dundee through CREW to undertake a research project to assess the possible social implications that may follow the end of the Scottish statement of principles on the provision of flood insurance in 2013.

Landowner compensation and approaches for flood protection work

We commissioned the land management firm Smiths Gore to undertake a research project into landowner compensation and approaches for flood protection work in 2012, which assesses different approaches to compensating landowners for allowing their land to be used for flood risk management (FRM) purposes

Eddleston Water Project

in 2012 we part funded a study led by the Tweed Forum, which investigated the potential to restore and enhance the Eddleston Water to benefit the local community and wildlife.


In late 2004, we, along with counterparts in 10 European countries, formed the CRUE network established and funded as a European Research Area Network (ERANet) under the 6th EU Framework Programme.

Its aim was to consolidate existing European flood research programmes and projects, promote best practice and identify gaps and opportunities for collaboration. The vision for the CRUE network was to provide a coordinated and comprehensive transnational evidence base on flood risk management.

One of the selected research projects was UR-flood: understanding uncertainty and risk in communicating about floods led by the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, in collaboration with research partners in Ireland, Finland, Italy and England.

ERANet-CRUE has also published a synthesis report addressing the key findings of the second CRUE funding initiative related to flood resilient communities: managing the consequences of flooding. 


More information:
Water: managing flood risk policy page




Phone: 0131 244 4763

Scottish Government
Flood Risk Management Team
Area 3H South
Victoria Quay

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