
Managing Health at Work Partnership Information Network (PIN) Guideline

This Guideline emphasises the need for employers to promote and support employee health and wellbeing and includes sections on issues that affect the health and safety of staff in their everyday work.


Ministerial Foreword

This PIN Guideline sets important standards designed to improve the health at work of all staff in NHSScotland.

Our National Health established a Staff Governance Standard for NHSScotland staff for the first time. This placed the fair and effective management of staff on the same footing as the management of clinical standards and finance within the national Performance and Accountability Framework. Performance against the Staff Governance Standard and the implementation of this and other guidelines will be assessed in partnership using the Self Assessment Audit Tool and will form an integral part of the Performance and Accountability Framework against which NHS Boards and their constituent parts will be reviewed.

Staff across Scotland have a clear entitlement to be "provided with an improved and safe working environment" monitored through the commitment in the Staff Governance Standard. I am looking for NHSScotland employers to work in partnership with staff to develop a health and safety management framework needed to help make NHSScotland an exemplar on health at work. The Managing Health at Work PIN Guideline provides a sound framework for taking forward this partnership approach, allowing further policy and guidance to be developed over time.

The model policies are intended to be adapted to suit local needs and to reflect local structures and resources, but the best practice in the Guideline is the minimum that will be provided by employers in NHSScotland.


Malcolm Chisholm MSP
Minister for Health and Community Care

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