Managing Health at Work Partnership Information Network (PIN) Guideline

This Guideline emphasises the need for employers to promote and support employee health and wellbeing and includes sections on issues that affect the health and safety of staff in their everyday work.


Annex 1
goshh regs 1999 risk assessment form

Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH), 1988

Health & Safety Executive, HS(R)23, Guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR)Regulations, 1985

MDA DB2000(04) (August 2000): Single-use Medical Devices: Implications and Consequences of Reuse

Microbiology Advisory Committee to the Department of Health (England) (July 1991): Decontamination of Equipment, Linen and Other Surfaces Contaminated with Hepatitis B and/or Human Immunodeficiency Viruses.

NHS HDL(2000)3: Hepatitis B Infected Healthcare Workers.

NHS HDL (2001)10: Decontamination of Medical Devices.

NHS MEL (1993)7 and NHS MEL(1993)86: Hospital Laundry Arrangements for Used and Infected Linen.

NHS MEL(1996)93: Addendum to Guidance on Protecting Healthcare Workers and Patients from Hepatitis B.

NHS MEL(1997)70: High Isolation Provision for Actual or Suspected Cases of Viral Haemorrhagic Fever in Scotland. Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens: Guidance on the Management and Control of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers.

NHS MEL (1998)47: Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP)/Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC) Guidance (April 1998): Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents: Safe Working and the Prevention of Infection.

NHS MEL (1999)29: AIDS/HIV Infected Healthcare Workers: Guidance of the Management to Infected Healthcare Workers and Patient Notification: Recommendations of the Expert Advisory Group on AIDS.

NHS MEL(1999)65: Variant Creutzfelt-Jakob Disease (vCJD): Minimising the Risk of Transmission.

NHS MEL(1999)79: NHS in Scotland Infection Control: Decontamination of Medical Devices.

SAN(SC)01/01: Safety Action Notice: Reporting of Adverse Incidents in NHSScotland.

Scottish Office NHS in Scotland Letter (Anderson GA & Kendell RE): Protecting Healthcare Workers and Patients From Hepatitis B(18 August 1993).

SE\X\HD/CMO(2000)4: Guidelines on HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, UK Chief Medical Officers' Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (July 2000).

SEHD/CMO(98)12: Guidance for Clinical Healthcare Workers: Protection Against Infection with Blood-borne viruses. Recommendations of the Expert Advisory Group on AIDS and the Advisory Group on Hepatitis.

The Scottish Office Department of Health Advisory Group on Infection (1998): Scottish Infection Manual: Guidance on Core Standards for the Control of Infection in Hospitals, Healthcare Premises and at the Community Interface.

Scottish Executive (2001) Report of the Short Life Working Group on Needlestick Injuries in NHSScotland, " Needlestick Injuries: Sharpen your awareness"

Scottish Executive (March 2001), HDL (2001) 22, Occupational Health Minimum Dataset

Recommended further reading
  • Medical Series Guidance Notes, HSE (MSG's)

  • Infection Risks To New And Expectant Mothers In The Workplace, HSE Books

  • New And Expectant Mothers At Work, HSE HSG122

  • Legionnaire Disease: The Control Of Legionella Bacteria In Water Systems: Approved Code Of Practice And Guidance, HSE L8

  • Safe Working And The Prevention Of Infection In The Mortuary And Post-Mortem Room, HSC

  • Monitoring Strategies For Toxic Substances, HSE HSG173

  • Biological Monitoring In The Workplace, HSE HSG167

  • Young People at Work, HSE HSG 165

  • Safe Working And The Prevention Of Infection In Clinical Laboratories, HSC

  • COSHH Essentials, HSE HSG193

  • Health Surveillance Under COSHH, HSE 1995

  • Surveillance of People Exposed to Health Risks at Work, HSE HSG61

  • Occupational Exposure Limits, EH40

  • Categorisation Of Biological Agents According To Hazard And Categories Of Containment 1995, ACDP

  • Guidelines For The Use Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy In The Clinical Environment, HDL (2001)13

  • Towards a Safer Healthier Workplace, Scottish Executive, Dec. 1999

  • Needlestick injuries: Sharpen Your Awareness, Scottish Executive May 2001

  • Scottish Infection Manual, Scottish Office, July 1998

  • Immunisation Against Infectious Disease, Scottish Office DoH 1996

  • Clinical Standards Board Scotland: Standards on Infection Control, draft July 2001

  • Food Handlers Fitness to Work - Guidelines for Food Business Managers, Expert Working Group convened by the Department of Health 1995

  • The Management, Design and Operation of Microbiological Containment Laboratories; Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens 2001, HSE

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