
Planning system - mandatory training for elected members: consultation

Mandatory training for elected members was included in the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, alongside a package of measures to improve the performance of the planning system. This consultation is seeking views on how this could be implemented.

8. Impact Assessments

8.1 We have undertaken a number of assessments on our draft proposals (or screened proposals to see whether an assessment is required). Our initial assessments are set out in Annexes B-F as supporting documents and we would welcome feedback on these as part of the consultation. The draft assessments and screening assessments undertaken include:

  • a Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) that considers the costs, particularly with regard to business, of the proposals (see Annex B);
  • a Data Protection Impact Assessment (Consultation Only) ("DPIA") that considers the risks posed to privacy and data protection by participating in this consultation (see Annex C);
  • an Equality Impact Screening Assessment ("EqIA") that considers the impact of the draft proposals on various equality groups defined by protected characteristics such as age, sex, religious or other belief, race or sexual orientation. Our initial conclusion following a screening of proposals is that a full assessment is not required (see Annex D);
  • a Children's Rights and Wellbeing Screening Impact Assessment ("CRWIA") that considers the impact of the proposals on Children. Our initial conclusion following a screening of proposals is that a full assessment is not required (see Annex E);
  • an Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment ("ICIA") that considers the impact of proposed changes on Scotland's Islands. Our initial conclusion following a screening of proposals is that a full assessment is not required (see Annex F); and
  • a Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment that considers how we can reduce inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions. Our initial conclusion following a screening of proposals is that a full assessment is not required (see Annex G).

Question 13: Do you have any comments on the impact assessments undertaken as part of the consultation on mandatory training on planning for elected members?



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