
Mapping Flood Disadvantage in Scotland 2015: Methodology Report

This report describes the methods applied in developing the flood disadvantage dataset for the project Mapping Flood Disadvantage in Scotland 2015.


1. On the day of census 2011, the population for the 6,505 data zones in Scotland ranged from 0 - 8,703; 2.9% of data zones had a population of less than 500 and 2.0 percent had a population of 1,500 or more (NRS, 2013).

2. The data zones were revised in November 2014 (they are referred to as data zones 2011). However, as the majority of the data used in this project was reported for the census 2001 data zones, those were used as spatial units for the assessment of social vulnerability to flooding and flood disadvantage.

3. See for example

4. S01002296 (Edinburgh City); S01003031, S01003319, S01003505, S01003548 (Glasgow City).

5. S01002031 (Edinburgh City), S01003463, S01003533, S01003319 and S01003505 (Glasgow City; the last two data zones were also recorded as not having any residential population in census 2011).


7. The indicators listed on ClimateJust portal are given confidence flags based on the strength of evidence and user feedback gained in the development of the portal.

8. Older people in low-income households, The Poverty Site

9. Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) - chance of being exceeded in any given year

10. This group contains high values of two indicators for poorer social networks: percentage of single-person households and higher proportions of private renting. However, the group is also linked to higher proportions of above street-level accommodation, therefore this is likely to offset social vulnerability to flooding because of the lower enhanced exposure (Lindley et al., 2011).


12. Follow-on work based on the Climate Just mapping has used a range of alternative externally licensed (e.g. Experian MOSAIC and Ordnance Survey) and internal local datasets (e.g. from Adult and Children Social Services) to further develop and refine local profiles of vulnerability. See case studies section on

13. Older people in low-income households, The Poverty Site


Email: Carol Brown

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