Mapping Organisations Responding to Food Insecurity in Scotland

Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to provide a snapshot of where and how organisations are responding to food insecurity in Scotland.

Number of organisations and venues mapped

This research identified a total of 744 organisations responding to food insecurity through the provision of free or subsidised food at 1,026 venues across Scotland.

Number of organisations and venues responding to the survey

Survey responses were received from 612 organisations, of which 559 organisations (91%) were providing free or subsidised food via 767 venues. A minority of responses from 53 organisations (9%), reported that they do not provide free or subsidised food[43] and so were excluded from the further data analyses.

Number of organisations and venues identified through desk-based research

Additional desk-based research identified an additional 185 organisations providing free or subsidised food via 259 venues for which no survey response was received.

Information identified through desk-based research was recorded where one or more of the following conditions was satisfied:

  • Recently updated information was available online reporting the availability of free or subsidised food.
  • The organisation had an active social media presence reporting the availability of free or subsidised food.
  • A survey respondent and/or coordinating network reported that the organisation was actively providing free or subsidised food.

The desk-based research recorded any publicly-available information about location, accessibility, opening hours and type of food provided.

The survey limited organisations to inputting data about up to five venues. Where the organisation reported providing free or subsidised food from more than five venues, they were invited to provide a free-text response detailing any additional venues. Details for an additional 41 venues mentioned by organisations operating out of more than five venues were added to the data set and researchers filled any gaps in the data provided for these venues through desk-based research.



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