
Marine and fisheries compliance: legislation

Legislation relating to marine law and fishing in Scotland.

Although EU law is generally directly applicable, it is usual for EU regulations to be brought into effect in Scotland through subordinate legislation in the form of a Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).

Those made under the Fisheries Act 1981, the Fishery Limits Act 1976 and the European Communities Act 1972, deal primarily with European-derived matters. The other instruments listed under other Acts deal in the main with national measures.

Consideration of the relevant statutory instrument alone may not be enough to understand what you must do to comply with the requirements. The detail of European requirements that can be found in the corresponding Community legislation in the form of a Council or Commission regulation is not normally repeated in the statutory instrument, which will generally only create the associated offences, penalties and enforcement powers.

You can view details of the titles of national legislation under which we operate from the relevant part of the menu at the left of this page. Copies of EU and national legislation can often be found as electronic versions for download on the websites:

Alternatively, our Officers will be happy to provide advice and guidance on regulatory requirements tailored to your particular needs through our Fishery Office network.

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