Marine and fisheries compliance: registration of buyers and sellers

Information relating to Marine Directorate's fish register.

Sales Notes


Registered buyers (individuals, partnerships, corporate bodies or companies) who buy first sale fish and shellfish direct from a vessel must complete a Buyer's Sales Note within 48 hours of acquiring the information for each sale to Aberdeen Fishery Office.

Registered sellers (those who purchase first sale fish and shellfish by competitive bidding at a designated auction site) must complete a Seller's Sales Note within 48 hours of the sale and submit it to the Fishery Office at the Port of Landing.

Please use the appropriate guidance below to complete the sales notes. To enter new sales line details click on Add Sales Line. When you have completed the sales notes press Submit to send them. You will receive a confirmation email with details of the sales notes for your records.

Buyer's and Seller's Sales Notes are available via our Online Register

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