Marine and fisheries compliance: registration of buyers and sellers

Information relating to Marine Directorate's fish register.

Seller's Sales Notes

How to Complete Seller's Sales Notes

1. Seller's Name: enter the name of the seller.

2. Seller's Address: enter the address of the seller.

3. Seller's Registration Number: enter the registration number of the registered seller. This is an optional entry.

4. Date of Sale: enter the date the sale took place.

5. Designated Auction Centre Number: enter the designation number of the auction centre or market where the auction took place.

6. Name of Vessel: enter the name of the vessel which caught the fish.

7. Vessel PLN: enter the vessel's port letters and numbers (PLN).

8. Master's Name: enter the name of the master.

9. Date of Landing: enter the date the landing took place.

10. Port of Landing: please select the port of landing from the list provided.

11. Species: please select the species using the drop-down list. Omit any reference to size when entering species e.g. large, medium, selected, small etc.

12. ICES/NAFO Zone: please enter the code for the area in which the fish was caught. A list of zones around the UK is provided in the table below -

Sea Area ICES Zone Sea Area ICES Zone Sea Area ICES Zone
North Sea IV Irish Sea


South-west of Ireland

VIIj, k

West of Scotland VI West of Ireland

VIIb, c

Western Channel


Faroe Islands Vb Celtic Sea

VIIf, g, h

Eastern Channel


A full list of zones is available from your local Fishery Office, or can be requested from the Scottish Government.

13. Size/Grade: please enter the size grade using the drop down list - 1 is the largest and 5 the smallest. However, size and grade depends on the species. (Further details on community grading rules are available from your local Fishery Office or can be requested from the Scottish Government.)

14. Presentation: please enter one of the following against each species:

Whole Fish

Gutted with heads on



Gutted with heads off


15. Freshness: please enter the freshness category for that species - E is the freshest. Further information on freshness categories is available from your local Fishery Office, or can be requested from the Scottish Government.

16. Weight: enter the total weight in kg for the species which are all of the same size and freshness. A new line must be used for each size or freshness grade.

17. Value: enter the total value for that species which must be of the same size and freshness.

18. Withdrawn: enter Y for Yes, N for No depending on whether the fish was withdrawn from sale in accordance with Community rules.

19. Destination of Withdrawn Products: enter the destination of the withdrawn fish. The available options are human consumption, meal and oil, pet food, mink food, bait, dumped, other non-human consumption, klondyked, overland klondyked or distributed free of charge.

20. Buyer's Name: enter the name of the buyer.

21. Buyer's Address: enter the address of the buyer.

22. Buyer's Registration Number: enter the registration number of the buyer if they are registered and if the number is known to you. This is an optional entry.

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