Electrofishing for razor clams: scientific trial update - 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023

A progress update report on the electrofishing for razor clams scientific trial from 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023.

2. Introduction

The electrofishing for razor clam scientific trial continued in its multi-agency approach in the limited and regulated fishing for razor clams. The trial continued to operate ten designated sites around the Scottish coast with a continued catch limit (450kg/day), effort limit (110 days at sea per year) and the same restrictions in gear specifications. Those authorised to participate in the trial continue to do so by means of scientific derogations and on a voluntary basis.

The trial continued in the efforts to gather scientific information on the impact of electrofishing for razor clams. The aim of the trial is to provide evidence on how this fishery can be managed effectively, sustainably and continues to gather a range of biological and fisheries data. The main goals of the trial can be divided into four broad categories; biological and ecological goals, economic goals, social goals and best practice and management goals (Annex A).

To better reflect Marine Scotland as an agency within the Scottish Government, it was formally renamed as the Marine Directorate (MD) during this trial year. This trial is unique in its collaborative approach between regulators, academia, fishers and government. This cross-organisational working between MD (Access to Sea Fisheries, Marine Operations and Marine Evidence Data and Digital) and key public sector partners; Food Standard Scotland (FSS) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) continued to work well within the fifth trial year. Regular contact and communication were maintained virtually through online communication and in person. During this year of the trial regular in person meetings became more frequent with regulators and with the Scottish Razor Clam Association (SRCA). The MD work continued to work closely with the association and the association serves as a forum for discussion and point of contact with the Scottish government (SG) as they continue to represent participants in the trial.


Email: AccessToSeaFisheries@gov.scot

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