Electrofishing for razor clams: scientific trial update - 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023

A progress update report on the electrofishing for razor clams scientific trial from 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023.

9. Conclusion

The fifth year of the trial continued to gather scientific information on the impact of electrofishing for razor clams. Further collection of data and analysis has been conducted on a range of biological and fisheries information to progress in achieving the trials aims and objectives. While COVID-19 pandemic did not restrict working patterns or daily life, the trial was impacted through staffing levels at the Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen.

During this year of the trial, four vessels were removed due to serious breaches to the trial terms and conditions. As previously mentioned, authorised vessels as part of the trial are subject to operate under strict terms and conditions including set catch, effort limits and authorised gear for use in the trial is regulated. Due to the risks associated with this fishing method and to ensure robust scientific data is collected, the terms and conditions of the trial must be adhered to at all times. The Scottish Government reserves the right to suspend or revoke derogations when it is necessary for the management of the trial.

The electrofishing for razor clam scientific trial was previously granted a two-year extension to continue until 31 January 2024, subject to scientific advice. The derogations authorising the same specific vessels to participate until January 2024 were issued on the 1 February 2023. Fishers authorised to be part of the trial are required to continue to gather scientific data and to provide help and assistance towards future monitoring, research and stock assessments when required.


Email: AccessToSeaFisheries@gov.scot

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