
Marine education: useful websites

Links to websites that those interested in the work of Marine Scotland might benefit from reading or watching.


  • Arran Coast: Produced by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills and through raising their awareness, encourage them to take responsibility for the seas around them. 
  • Deep Sea World: Scotland's National Aquarium with the UK’s longest underwater viewing tunnel, mysterious coral reefs, majestic sharks and our amazing seal sanctuary. You can also dive with sharks.
  • *Learning Teaching Scotland (LTS): a website for schools and teachers with information and resources on a wide range of subjects including Weather & Climate Change and Renewable Energy.
  • Macduff Aquarium: Macduff Marine Aquarium features marine life from the Moray Firth, Scotland's largest bay. Visitors come face-to-face with hundreds of native fish and invertebrates normally only seen by SCUBA divers who brave the chilly waters of the North Sea.
  • Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland (MASTS): MASTS is helping to establish a Scottish strategy for marine science that will deliver increased value to the public from its investments.
  • Mull Aquarium Europe's first catch and release aquarium. We are not like any other aquarium in Europe, our creatures stay for a maximum of 4 weeks before they are returned to the sea, right where they came from. Not only does this practice minimize our impact on the environment, it means our displays will be different every month.
  • Scotland's Aquaculture: this website has been developed to provide access to a range of information about aquaculture in Scotland.
  • *Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS): SAMS is one of the UK's leading and oldest independent marine research organisations with five major research themes: Arctic research; marine processes and climate; marine renewable energy; prosperity from marine ecosystems and industrial effects on oceans.
  • *Scotland's Environment Web (SEweb): SEweb brings together environmental data and reports and aims to be the gateway to everything you want to know about Scotland's environment. This is a link to their Youth Discussion section.
  • *Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA): SEPA is Scotland's environmental regulator and its main role is to protect and improve the environment in Scotland.
  • *Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH): SNH is responsible for looking after Scotland's natural landscape and its role is to increase understanding and promote responsible, sustainable use.
  • Scottish Seabird Centre: the Seabird Centre website has lots of interesting information and some excellent webcams for viewing birds and seals.
  • Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network (SSACN):  the SSACN is an independent charity focusing on marine conservation issues, especially those affecting sea anglers.
  • Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU): the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) carries out research into the biology of marine mammals, trains marine mammal scientists through undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and advises governments, non-governmental organisations and industry on conservation issues.
  • *St Abbs Nature Voluntary Marine Reserve: this website contains details about the work undertaken at the voluntary reserve.

UK and beyond

  • BBC Earth: the BBC has got lots of information, images and films relating to the natural environment.
  • *British Trout Association: the British Trout Association Ltd (BTA) has been representing the UK trout industry for over 25 years and is entirely funded by member farmers and suppliers. The site includes games, recipes and facts and figures.
  • The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES): it has a Popular Advice website with lots of information about fish stocks, including a map.
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC): the JNCC is the adviser to the UK Government on national and international nature conservation and its role is to maintain and enhance biological diversity.
  • Kids guide to ocean and marine wildlife conservation: A guide for young people to marine conservation produced by Seattle Yachts. 
  • MAGIC: a Natural England/Defra website containing an interactive map which allows users to view and interrogate map-based environmental scheme and designation information. There are also static maps and a dataset information and download facility on the site.
  • Marine Biological Association (MBA): The MBA is one of the world’s longest-running societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support.
  • *Marine Conservation Society (MCS): the Marine Conservation Society is a UK charity which works to protect seas, shores and wildlife. Its website also includes an area for children, featuring lots of games, learning resources and information.
  • Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP): the United Kingdom Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) brings together scientists, government, its agencies and NGOs to provide co-ordinated advice on the effects of climate change around the UK coast and in its seas.
  • Marine Conservation For The UK:
  • *Marine Stewardship Council (MSC): the MSC is an independent non-profit organisation with an ecolabel and fishery certification programme. It also has an active education website called Fish and Kids.
  • *National Geographic education: The National Geographic Society is one of the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation.
  • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): its National Marine Sanctuaries area has a useful section about careers in marine biology.
  • *National Oceanographic Centre (NOC): NOC is the national centre for oceanography in the UK and one of the world's top five oceanographic research institutions. Its website has a wide range of resources and information for schools, teachers and the general public.
  • OSPAR: the OSPAR Convention is a piece of legislation that ensures protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. It is managed by the OSPAR Commission, made up of representatives of the Governments of 15 Contracting Parties and the European Commission, representing the European Union.



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