
Marine Energy Research Symposium October 2018

Conference highlighting current and future opportunities for marine renewables in Scotland.

In October 2018, Marine Scotland showcased research projects undertaken in collaboration with organisations across Scotland and Europe, in the First ScotMER symposium. We were delighted to welcome attendees across industry, academia, nature conservation organisations, and advisory bodies.

Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, attended the event and gave a welcoming speech highlighting the importance of both developing renewable energy and protecting Scotland’s valuable seabird populations. Following this welcome, researchers from across the UK and Europe presented their studies, from tagging programmes to statistical modelling.

Apportioning seabirds to breeding colonies
Using LiDAR to estimate seabird flight heights
Bird collision avoidance study
Collision risk model for seabirds in flight
Tracking auk movements in the nonbreeding period
Finding out the fate of displaced birds using SeabORD
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