
Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024: guidance

General guidance notes for applications to the Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024.

Notifications of change – costs and suppliers

This section provides information on what to do if you are successful in your application to the Marine Fund Scotland and there is a change at any point before or during the grant period to the costs of your project or the contractors/suppliers you are using, compared with what you set out in your application.

Changes to costs

You must notify us of any change to the overall costs of your project at the earliest opportunity via your grant claim(s) and monitoring/progress report(s). Please note, there will not be an automatic increase in grant funds offered if the project costs increase. Marine Fund Scotland funding is provided as a percentage of eligible costs approved in the application process. This means that if the eligible costs of your project decrease, then so will the grant offered.

Changes to contractors/suppliers

If any proposed change to the contractors and/or suppliers you are using/will use would increase the eligible project costs, you must not make that change to the contractors and/or suppliers without notifying us in writing in advance and obtaining our prior written consent to that change. Such a notification must be made either using your/your organisation's account on the Marine Scotland Funding Portal or by emailing us at



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