
Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024: guidance

General guidance notes for applications to the Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024.

Subsidy Control and the Windsor Framework

General subsidy control

The subsidy control principles in the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and in the Free Trade Agreements that the UK Government negotiates with countries following EU Exit (UK Trade Agreements in effect) currently apply to the Marine Fund Scotland.

A "subsidy" in this context means financial assistance which is given by a public authority, is specific and confers an economic advantage on one or more enterprises, and affects international trade. Not all grants awarded from the Marine Fund Scotland 2023-24 will fall into the category of a subsidy. The Scottish Public Finance Manual has more information about what a subsidy is and what subsidy control means. The UK Government's Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has also produced guidance on the UK's international subsidy control commitments.

The Windsor Framework

Further to the announcement of the Windsor Framework between the UK and EU, potential applications from businesses based in Northern Ireland, or from businesses who export goods to Northern Ireland, or to the EU via Northern Ireland, or who are in receipt of other forms of subsidy, should contact us for further advice before making an application.



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