
Marine licensing and consenting: application fees

Details on application fees for marine licensing and section 36 consents.


How to pay

An invoice for the application fee will be issued when an application is received and initial checks have been carried out. The invoice will provide information on accepted methods of payment.

All payments should reference the invoice number to allow the payment to be processed efficiently and to prevent delays. Application fees should not be sent with applications prior to receiving an invoice.

Marine licensing fees 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Fees for Marine Licence applications are set on 1st April each year in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Marine Licensing (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (as amended) and are linked to the Consumer Price Index for February of the previous financial year.

Table 1: general licensable activities

This includes all licensable marine activity except those specified in Tables 2 to 4 below. Please note this applies to application fees for marine licences for dredging activity with no associated sea disposal and deposit of moorings.

Cost of the licensable activity Application fee

≤ £2,500


> £2,500 - ≤ £5,000


> £5,000 - ≤ £50,000


> £50,000 - ≤ £2 million


> £2 million - ≤ £5 million


> £5 million - ≤ £20 million


> £20 million - ≤ £50 million


> £50 million


Table 2: generating stations

Cost of the licensed activity Application fee

≤ £2,500


> £2,500 - ≤ £5,000


> £5,000 - ≤ £50,000


> £50,000 - ≤ £2 million


> £2 million - ≤ £5 million


> £5 million - ≤ £20 million


> £20 million - ≤ £50 million


> £50 million


Table 3: sea disposal of maintenance dredged materials

Total disposal weight (tonnes)

1 year licence

2 year licence

3 year licence

≤ 10,000




> 10,000 - ≤ 100,000




> 100,000 - ≤ 300,000








Table 4: sea disposal of capital dredged materials

Total disposal weight (tonnes)

1 year licence

2 year licence

3 year licence

≤ 10,000




> 10,000 - ≤ 100,000




> 100,000 - ≤ 300,000




> 300,000




> 300,000 related to construction of a renewable energy project: £47,960

Section 36 consent: application fee calculator

Section 36 application fees

Application fees for consents under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 are set by The Electricity (Applications for Consent and Variation of Consent) (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022.

Table 5.1

Construction, or construction and operation, of a generating station which is not environmental impact assessment (EIA) development and has a capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts


(b) exceeding 10 megawatts but not exceeding 50 megawatts


(c) exceeding 50 megawatts but not exceeding 100 megawatts


(d) exceeding 100 megawatts but not exceeding 300 megawatts


(e) exceeding 300 megawatts but not exceeding 500 megawatts


(f) exceeding 500 megawatts but not exceeding 750 megawatts


(g) exceeding 750 megawatts but not exceeding 1 gigawatt


(h) exceeding 1 gigawatt

£264,000 + £15,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 5.2

Extension, or extension and operation, of a generating station which is not EIA development, resulting in increase in capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts


(b) exceeding 10 megawatts but not exceeding 50 megawatts


(c) exceeding 50 megawatts but not exceeding 100 megawatts


(d) exceeding 100 megawatts but not exceeding 300 megawatts


(e) exceeding 300 megawatts but not exceeding 500 megawatts


(f) exceeding 500 megawatts but not exceeding 750 megawatts


(g) exceeding 750 megawatts but not exceeding 1 gigawatt


(h) exceeding 1 gigawatt

£264,000 + £15,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 5.3

Construction, or construction and operation, of a generating station which is EIA development and has a capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts


(b) exceeding 10 megawatts but not exceeding 50 megawatts


(c) exceeding 50 megawatts but not exceeding 100 megawatts


(d) exceeding 100 megawatts but not exceeding 300 megawatts


(e) exceeding 300 megawatts but not exceeding 500 megawatts


(f) exceeding 500 megawatts but not exceeding 750 megawatts


(g) exceeding 750 megawatts but not exceeding 1 gigawatt


(h) exceeding 1 gigawatt

£548,000 + £30,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 5.4

Extension, or extension and operation, of a generating station which is EIA development, resulting in an increase in capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts


(b) exceeding 10 megawatts but not exceeding 50 megawatts


(c) exceeding 50 megawatts but not exceeding 100 megawatts


(d) exceeding 100 megawatts but not exceeding 300 megawatts


(e) exceeding 300 megawatts but not exceeding 500 megawatts


(f) exceeding 500 megawatts but not exceeding 750 megawatts


(g) exceeding 750 megawatts but not exceeding 1 gigawatt


(h) exceeding 1 gigawatt

£548,000 + £30,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 5.5

Any other extension of a generating station which does not result in an increase in capacity, where the capacity of the generating station does:

(a) not exceed 10 megawatts


(b) exceed 10 megawatts


Table 5.6

Operation only or change to manner of operation of a generating station, which does not result in an increase in capacity, where the capacity of the generating station does:

(a) not exceed 10 megawatts


(b) exceed 10 megawatts


Fees for an application to vary a section 36 consent

Table 6.1

A variation application which is not for EIA development and which, if granted, would increase the capacity of the generating station such that the increased capacity would:

(a) not exceed 10 megawatts


(b) exceed 10 megawatts but not exceed 50 megawatts


(c) exceed 50 megawatts but not exceed 100 megawatts


(d) exceed 100 megawatts but not exceed 300 megawatts


(e) exceed 300 megawatts but not exceed 500 megawatts


(f) exceed 500 megawatts but not exceed 750 megawatts


(g) exceed 750 megawatts but not exceed 1 gigawatt


(h) exceed 1 gigawatt

£200,500 + £15,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 6.2

A variation application which is for EIA development and which, if granted, would increase the capacity of the generating station such that the increased capacity would:

(a) not exceed 10 megawatts


(b) exceed 10 megawatts but not exceed 50 megawatts


(c) exceed 50 megawatts but not exceed 100 megawatts


(d) exceed 100 megawatts but not exceed 300 megawatts


(e) exceed 300 megawatts but not exceed 500 megawatts


(f) exceed 500 megawatts but not exceed 750 megawatts


(g) exceed 750 megawatts but not exceed 1 gigawatt


(h) exceed 1 gigawatt

£367,000 + £30,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

Table 6.3

A variation application which is not for EIA development and which, if granted, would not increase the capacity of the generating station, where the generating station has a capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts


(b) exceeding 10 megawatts


Table 6.4

A variation application which is for EIA development and which, if granted, would not increase the capacity of the generating station, where the generating station has a capacity:

(a) not exceeding 10 megawatts £6,300
(b) exceeding 10 megawatts but not exceeding 50 megawatts


(c) exceeding 50 megawatts but not exceeding 100 megawatts


(d) exceeding 100 megawatts but not exceeding 300 megawatts


(e) exceeding 300 megawatts but not exceeding 500 megawatts £252,000
(f) exceeding 500 megawatts but not exceeding 750 megawatts £310,000
(g) exceeding 750 megawatts but not exceeding 1 gigawatt £367,000
(h) exceeding 1 gigawatt

£367,000 + £30,000 for each additional 500 megawatts above 1 gigawatt

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