Marine licensing and consenting: offshore renewable energy projects
Guidance for offshore renewable energy projects on marine licensing and consenting requirements that are administered by the Marine Directorate – Licensing Operations Team (MD-LOT) on behalf of Scottish Ministers.
A range of marine licensing and consenting requirements are likely to be required for offshore renewable energy projects (wind, wave and tidal).
This guidance provides information on which assessments, licences, consents may be required and the application process. It also provides links to all relevant marine licensing and consenting guidance.
Contents of this publication
- licensing and consenting requirements
- meeting arrangements with MD-LOT
- pre-application engagement
- statutory consultation
- information to support applications for generating stations and transmission infrastructure
- mitigation and monitoring plans
Links to other relevant guidance
- European Protected Species and basking shark licensing
- environmental impact assessment
- Habitats Regulations Appraisal
- safety zones
- decommissioning programmes overview
- decommissioning guidance for Scottish waters
- guidance for applicants on using the design envelope
- assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance
- accidental deposit of an object at sea: form and guidance
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