
Marine litter strategy

This refreshed marine litter strategy outlines new priority actions to tackle marine litter in Scotland, building on the work already conducted through the original strategy.

3. Strategy Delivery And Review

3.1 The implementation of the strategy is led by the Scottish Government. Marine Scotland will continue to co-ordinate the existing network of sectors and stakeholders at the local and national level, by chairing a national stakeholder group to share and prioritise good practice on developing the strategy and monitoring outputs.

3.2 Responsibility for implementing the actions contained within the strategy is shared between a community of interests including Marine Scotland, Local Authorities, the wider public sector, business, environmental and community groups, and private individuals. It is anticipated that the strategy will benefit all users of the marine environment and coastal communities.

3.3 The focus will be on delivering actions which will be achievable in the lifetime of the strategy and within the staff and financial resources that are available from individual sectors.

3.4 The strategy will be delivered via the principles of:

  • Central co-ordination from Marine Scotland, in the context of wider initiatives and international engagement;
  • Implementation of actions by named responsible lead organisations, as set out in the action plan (see Supporting Documents)
  • An action plan underpinning the strategy, with clear and measurable aims, deliverables, objectives and timescales;
  • Initiatives that are measurable and have a direct impact on reducing litter from source;
  • Utilisation and promotion of work carried out by existing networks and stakeholders;
  • A mid-term review of the strategy and action plan, to allow for flexibility and appropriate updates.

3.5 As the strategy will contribute to working toward GES it is proposed that the timeframe should be closely aligned with that of the UK Marine Strategy. An assessment of environmental status will be made in 2024.

3.6 The action plan underpinning the strategy will require regular review, in partnership with stakeholders. A mid-cycle review is proposed for 2024-2025, and a further review in 2027. We will monitor the success of the strategy through an evaluation of actions: to what extent these have been completed, and to what timescales.



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