
Marine litter strategy for Scotland: consultation analysis

Analysis report of responses to the consultation on a refreshed Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland.

Appendix C: Campaign Responses

Based on a review of consultation responses there would appear to be some examples of campaign responses received.

Standard Campaign Response

First, there are 21 identical responses in the Final Comments section of the consultation. This relates to submissions by 19 individuals and two organisations who inserted the following text:

"I support a ban on wet wipes containing plastic. But, simply substituting plastic with another single-use material will not be enough by itself. We also need to support consumers to move to reusable products and apply EPR (where companies would pay the full costs of their product disposal including clean ups) to all other single-use wet wipes. These measures should be applied to all sanitary items which have similar issues and solutions. In the long term we want to see action at a larger scale, there is no longer time to solve the plastics crisis item by item, we need systemic change to move to a reusable and circular economy."

19 individuals, Chocolate Tree Limited, and Laudato Si Animators (Scotland).

Non-Standard Campaign Response

Both Marine Conservation Society and Fidra signed up to the Scottish Environment LINK co-ordinated response, as well as each submitting a separate organisation response to the consultation.

There are a few examples where individual respondent(s) have submitted identical or similar responses to certain open-ended question(s), or responses similar to the Scottish Islands Federation, Small Isles Community Council, and/or Community of Arran Seabed Trust responses.



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