
Marine litter strategy for Scotland: consultation analysis

Analysis report of responses to the consultation on a refreshed Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland.

7. Strategic Direction 5

Strategic Direction 5: Maintain and strengthen stakeholder co-ordination in Scotland, the UK, regionally, and globally.


7.1 Marine litter is a cross-boundary challenge that spreads across a variety of scales and requires action from the local to the international level. The Strategy aims to influence actions within its direct sphere of Scotland, and more broadly at the UK, regional, and international levels.

7.2 Planned actions will include, for example, strengthening working relationships with UK, regional, and international partners to contribute to future work and share best practice.

Question 9: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 5?

7.3 Table B21 to Table B24 (Appendix B) provides the frequency tables for Question 9.

7.4 The vast majority of respondents (individuals and organisations) agreed (i.e. agreed or strongly agreed) that the planned actions under each of the four objectives would contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 5:

  • Expand communications and understanding of Marine Litter Strategy work with delivery partners (89.0%).
  • Build on and strengthen working relationships with wider UK (83.2%).
  • Increase engagement with OSPAR through: participation in and implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter; and taking a lead role with relevant actions (80.8%).
  • Strengthen co-ordination across the British-Irish Council region (83.4%).

Question 10: Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 5 in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute towards its achievement?

7.5 A relatively high proportion of respondents overall (and individuals in particular) were unsure whether there were any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 5 (39.8%). Just over one-quarter (27.6%) considered there to be omissions or gaps, Table B25.

7.6 In relation to organisation responses, those with a focus on the issues of coastal development and conservation, or environment and conservation, were more likely to consider there to be omissions or gaps in the planned actions.

7.7 Further, a relatively high proportion of gaps identified were not relevant in this Section and referred to other Strategic Directions, and which have been taken account of in previous Sections.

Omissions or Gaps Identified

7.8 The wider qualitative feedback has been grouped under each of the four objectives identified for Strategic Direction 5.

Expand communications and understanding of Marine Litter Strategy work with delivery partners

7.9 The action under this objective, namely 'identify opportunities to engage with relevant authorities and organisations to promote marine litter work' attracted feedback in the main from organisations with a focus on communities.

7.10 Much of the commentary noted that community groups were a valuable resource, both in terms of undertaking litter picking activities as well as in helping to provide intelligence through surveying and monitoring activities.

7.11 Local community groups were also seen by some respondents as important advocates for national campaigns and key actors in driving change in their local communities.

7.12 As such, community groups and volunteers were viewed as an integral part of helping to deliver the Strategy and that this could be more fully reflected and acknowledged within the document. The importance of regular and ongoing community engagement and involvement was also considered vital.

7.13 The following quotes illustrate these points:

"It might also be helpful to strengthen and value their (community volunteers) role which is increasingly about surveying and monitoring as well as prevention.

I have been in contact with a lot of volunteers from around the Scottish coast over the last few years and some are absolutely phenomenal in the work they do."

East Haven Together and Angus Clean Environments

"The volunteers and local community groups don't need motivating or educating. The agencies on the other hand need to catch up with the grassroots movement to clean up marine litter. The agencies need to put feet on remote beaches and get in touch with the grassroots population which are doing this work voluntarily. The island/rural public and our island visitors are well informed and are way ahead of the game"

Skye Tidy Tidelines

"It is important to involve communities in the ongoing process; not just as consumers of campaigns. There are many active community groups driving change at the local level - involving, informing & platforming them will help make change happen for the best."


Build on and strengthen working relationships with wider UK

7.14 The objective to 'build on and strengthen working relationships with wider UK' attracted the most qualitative responses under Strategic Direction 5 – primarily from organisations.

7.15 The comments largely related to the action to 'work with UK Government and Devolved Administrations to share UK-wide approaches on shared issues where appropriate'.

7.16 Here, feedback emphasised that marine litter is a transnational issue and that action by Scotland alone is unlikely to address the problem. Further, the importance of collaboration was emphasised to help ensure effective cross-border partnership working and to avoid duplication of effort, etc.

7.17 The following quotes illustrate these points:

"All hinges on collaboration - looks great in theory but if all UK does not sing from the same hymn sheet then surely Scotland's role will be limited."


"To tackle effectively the issues of marine litter it is essential that communication and collaboration, along with policy development, be consistent and sustained across all four UK nations. Therefore, we are supportive of building, strengthening and expanding working relationships and understanding of the work of the Marine Litter Strategy."

Keep Scotland Beautiful

Increase engagement with OSPAR through: participation in and implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter; and taking a lead role with relevant actions

7.18 There are two planned actions under this objective, namely:

  • 'Lead on a relevant task within the updated OSPAR Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter (to be identified once published)'.
  • 'Scotland to be represented at two OSPAR committees: Environmental Impact of Human Activities (EIHA); Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication (HASEC)'.

7.19 There were few comments on either action beyond two which welcomed increased engagement with OSPAR.

Strengthen co-ordination across the British-Irish Council region

7.20 Under the objective to 'strengthen co-ordination across the British-Irish Council region', the planned action will 'through the role of co-chairing the Marine Litter Working Group, Marine Scotland will identify tasks for collaboration regarding shared marine litter problems'.

7.21 This action also attracted few comments, and the main feedback was that such collaboration would be vital.



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