
Marine Planning Partnerships: Clyde and Shetland Isles

Regional marine planning will be undertaken by Marine Planning Partnerships, which will be made up of marine stakeholders who reflect marine interests in their region.

Regional marine planning will be undertaken by Marine Planning Partnerships, which will be made up of marine stakeholders who reflect marine interests in their region. The partnerships will vary in size and composition depending on the area, issues to be dealt with and the existing groups. Local Authorities, Inshore Fisheries Groups, Local Coastal Partnerships and their umbrella body, the Scottish Coastal Forum, will play a role in the development of regional plans.

Regional marine planning powers will be delegated to the Partnerships by Scottish Ministers. These powers will not include licensing or consenting as these will remain the responsibility of consenting bodies such as Marine Scotland and Local Authorities.

Marine Scotland will provide support to the Partnerships, for example by giving access to research and science, the provision and hosting of data through National Marine Plan interactive (NMPi), and guidance on policy development.

When their Regional Marine Plans are adopted, the role of the Partnerships will continue as they must oversee the implementation of their Plans, monitor their regions and the effects of their plans' policies, review objectives and policies and amend their Plans if required or requested by Scottish Ministers.

The first partnerships are in the Clyde and Shetland Isles regions: lessons learned from their experiences will be shared with other regions as they establish Partnerships. The Orkney Islands region is the next area identified to begin this process.

Clyde Marine Planning Partnership

The Clyde will be one of the first of two areas to take forward regional marine planning. 

A public notice on the proposed delegate and draft Direction was published in The Herald newspaper on 12 February 2016. Views were sought from the public and responses considered in the drafting of the final Direction.

The Clyde Marine Planning Partnership (CMPP) will take forward regional marine planning in the Clyde, with the powers to develop a regional marine plan by legislation known as a Ministerial Direction. The Direction was signed on 14 March 2017 and the Partnership's operational guidance is available online.

On 15 December 2017 the Cabinet Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham, agreed the Statement of Public Participation (SPP) prepared by the CMPP. The SPP sets out when consultation is likely to take place and with whom, its likely form and the steps to be taken to involve the general public in the stages of preparation of the Clyde regional marine plan. The SPP and further details of the consultation events can be found on the CMPP website and a copy of the Direction and additional information are available below.

Shetland Isles Marine Planning Partnership

Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan consultation 2019

A consultation on the Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan 2019 will commence on the 9th of September and run for 16 weeks finishing on the 30th of December.

The Shetland Isles is one of the first of two areas to take forward regional marine planning.

The proposed delegate and draft direction were announced in a public notice in the Shetland Times on 12 February 2016. On 22 March 2016, Scottish Ministers gave a Direction to prepare a regional marine plan to the Shetland Fisheries Training Centre Trust (operating as the NAFC Marine Centre) and Shetland Islands Council, which together make the Shetland Isles Marine Planning Partnership.

A copy of the Ministerial Direction and guidance notes can be seen below.

Marine Planning Partnerships Structure and Governance Report

Clyde Marine Planning Partnership

Statement of public participation
Update: November 2017
Public notice
Ministerial direction
Constitution and membership

Shetland Isles Marine Planning Partnership

Ministerial direction 2022
Public notice 2022
Partnership governance
Information note
Update: February 2017
Update: August 2017
Public notice 2016
Ministerial direction 2016
Shetland: statement of public participation - November 2022
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