
Marine Protected Area Network - 2018 Report to the Scottish Parliament

A report to Parliament on progress being made in

implementing a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.

Annex 4: Scottish MPA network statistics

Area values are rounded to the nearest Km2 and percentages are rounded to one decimal place.

Table 4.1: MPAs for conservation purposes

Type Number
Marine Protected Area (MPA) 31
Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 58
Special Protection Area (SPA) 47
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 65
Ramsar 16
Total MPAs for conservation purposes 217

Table 4.2: MPAs for other purposes

Type Number
Demonstration and Research MPA 1
Historic MPA 8

Table 4.3: The Scottish MPA network

Type Number
MPAs for nature conservation 217
MPAs for other purposes 9
Other Area Based Measures 5
Total in Scottish MPA network 231

Table 4.4: Area coverage of nature conservation sites

Region Region area (Km2) MPA area (Km2) MPA coverage
Inshore 90,407 22,022 24.4%
Offshore 528,337 86,772 16.4%
Total 618,744 108,794 17.6%

Table 4.5: Area coverage of spatial conservation measures

MSFD[9] Sub- Region Area in Scottish waters (Km2)[10] MPA area in Scottish waters (Km2) % cover of measures
Celtic Seas 492,439 110,543 22.4%
Greater North Sea 126,305 24,255 19.2%

Table 4.6: Contribution to the OSPAR[11] MPA network

OSPAR Region Area in Scottish waters (Km2) MPA area in Scottish Waters (Km2) % MPA coverage Scottish Waters % MPA coverage in whole region[12]
Region I - Arctic Waters 29,394 21,460 73% 1.9%
Region II - Greater North Sea 203,333 24,918 12% 18%
Region III - Celtic Seas 80,513 20,219 25% 15%
Region V - Wider Atlantic 305,503 42,197 14% 8.3%


Email: Michael McLeod

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