
Marine Protected Area Network - 2018 Report to the Scottish Parliament

A report to Parliament on progress being made in

implementing a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.

Annex 5: Feature replication in the MPA network

This annex details the replication of features within the MPA network. It considers broad scale habitats, as well as habitats and species listed by EU Directives and the OSPAR convention.

The symbols in the "replication in network" column mean the following:

Protected in more than one site in Scottish waters
Protected in more than one site in UK waters
X Not replicated in UK waters

Table 5.1: Replicates of EUNIS level 3 habitats by MSFD sub-region[13]

Broad-scale habitat EUNIS Code Celtic Seas Greater North Sea Replication in network
High energy littoral rock A1.1 14 4
Moderate energy littoral rock A1.2 15 3
Low energy littoral rock A1.3 17 5
Littoral coarse sediment A2.1 8 3
Littoral sand and muddy sand A2.2 20 11
Littoral mud A2.3 11 8
Littoral mixed sediments A2.4 8 6
Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms A2.6 5 10
Littoral biogenic reefs A2.7 11 8
High energy infralittoral rock A3.1 14 3
Moderate energy infralittoral rock A3.2 18 4
Low energy infralittoral rock A3.3 19 4
High energy circalittoral rock A4.1 13 5
Moderate energy circalittoral rock A4.2 16 4
Low energy circalittoral rock A4.3 12 3
Sublittoral coarse sediment A5.1 13 4
Sublittoral sand A5.2 14 5
Sublittoral mud A5.3 20 5
Sublittoral mixed sediments A5.4 20 2
Sublittoral macrophyte-dominated sediment A5.5 17 2
Sublittoral biogenic reefs A5.6 13 5
Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrata A6.1 8 *
Deep-sea mixed substrata A6.2 11 *
Deep-sea sand A6.3 5 *
Deep-sea muddy sand A6.4 6 *
Deep-sea mud A6.5 6 *
Deep-sea bioherms A6.6 10 *
Raised features of the deep-sea bed A6.7 8 *

* indicate that the feature is not characteristic of the region. Count includes OABMs

Table 5.2: Replicates for relevant listed[14] seabed habitats by MSFD sub-region[15]

Habitat Celtic Seas Greater North Sea Replication in network
Blue mussel beds 10 9
Carbonate mounds 1 * X
Coral gardens 3 *
Deep-sea sponge aggregations 6 *
Flame shell beds 6 *
Lophelia pertusa reefs 7 *
Maerl beds 10 1
Modiolus modiolus beds 7 3
Northern sea fan and sponge communities 4 1
Ostrea edulis beds 1 *
Seagrass beds / Zostera beds 18 12
Seamounts 3 *
Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities 11 1
Serpulid reefs/aggregations 2 *
Coastal lagoons 7 0
Estuaries 1 2
Large shallow inlets and bays 4 0
Mudflats and sandflats 6 2
Reefs 24 5
Sandbanks 6 3
Submarine structures made by leaking gases 0 2
Submerged or partially submerged sea caves 3 2

* indicate that the habitat is not present in the region

Table 5.3: Replicates for relevant listed[16] species by MSFD sub-region[17]

Species Celtic Seas Greater North Sea Replication in network
Bottlenose dolphin - Tursiops truncatus 0 1
Harbour porpoise - Phocoena phocoena 1 0
Risso's dolphin - Grampus griseus 0 0 X
Minke whale - Balaenoptera acutorostrata 0 0 X
Grey seal - Halichoerus grypus 7 3
Harbour seal - Phoca vitulina 7 5
Otter - Lutra lutra 15 4
Basking shark - Cetorhinus maximus 0 0 X
Common skate - Dipturus spp. complex 1 0
Orange roughy - Hoplostethus atlanticus 1 * X
Blue ling - Molva dypterygia 2** *
Sand eels - Ammodytes marinus / A. tobianus 1 2
Sea lamprey - Petromyzon marinus 1 1
Smelt (Sparling) - Osmerus eperlanus 1 0 X
Ocean quahog - Arctica islandica 10 4
Fan mussel - Atrina fragilis 1 0
Flat/native/European oyster - Ostrea edulis 1 0
Spiny lobster - Palinurus elephas 0 0

* indicate that the species is not present in the region. Count includes OABMs.

Table 5.4: Replicates for relevant bird species[18] by MSFD sub-region[7],[19]

Bird species Celtic Seas Greater North Sea Replication in network
Alca torda - Razorbill 11 8
Anas acuta - Northern pintail 1 1
Anas crecca - Eurasian teal 1 2
Anas penelope - Eurasian wigeon - 6
Arenaria interpres - Ruddy turnstone 3 4
Aythya marila - Greater scaup 2 6
Branta bernicla - Brent goose 1 -
Bucephala clangula - Common goldeneye 4 5
Calidris alba - Sanderling 3 1
Calidris alpina - Dunlin 3 6
Calidris canutus - Red knot 1 4
Calidris maritima - Purple sandpiper 2 3
Cepphus grylle - Black guillemot 4 3
Charadrius hiaticula - Ringed plover 5 2
Chroicocephalus ridibundus - Black-headed gull 1 1
Clangula hyemalis - Long-tailed duck 4 4
Fratercula arctica - Atlantic puffin 15 5
Fulmarus glacialis - Northern fulmar 19 10
Gavia arctica - Black-throated diver 2 -
Gavia immer - Great northern diver 6 2
Gavia stellata - Red-throated diver 7 5
Haematopus ostralegus - Eurasian oystercatcher 4 7
Hydrobates pelagicus - European storm-petrel 8 2
Larus argentatus - Herring gull 3 7
Larus canus - Common gull 1 1
Larus minutus - Little gull - 1
Limosa lapponica - Bar-tailed godwit 2 6
Limosa limosa - Black-tailed godwit - 1
Melanitta fusca - Velvet scoter 1 4
Melanitta nigra - Common scoter 1 3
Mergus merganser - Goosander 1 2
Mergus serrator - Red-breasted merganser 6 7
Morus bassanus (syn. Sula bassana) - Northern gannet 7 4
Numenius arquata - Eurasian curlew 1 6
Oceanodroma leucorhoa - Leach's storm petrel 6 -
Phalacrocorax aristotelis - European shag 9 7
Phalacrocorax carbo - Great cormorant 4 5
Pluvialis squatarola - Grey plover 1 2
Podiceps auritus - Slavonian grebe 5 4
Podiceps cristatus - Great crested grebe 1 1
Puffinus puffinus - Manx shearwater 2 2
Rissa tridactyla - Black-legged kittiwake 22 10
Somateria mollissima - Common eider 7 8
Stercorarius parasiticus - Arctic skua 9 2
Stercorarius skua - Great skua 8 3
Sterna dougallii - Roseate tern * 1
Sterna hirundo - Common tern 1 6
Sterna paradisaea - Arctic tern 11 6
Sterna sandvicensis - Sandwich tern - 4
Sternula albifrons - Little tern 3 2
Tadorna tadorna - Common shelduck 1 3
Tringa totanus - Common redshank 4 9
Uria aalge - Common guillemot 26 12

Table 5.5: Replication of OSPAR listed habitats and species[20]

Feature name OSPAR T&D regions Region I: Arctic Waters Region II: Greater North Sea Region III: Celtic Seas Region V: Wider Atlantic Replication in network
Carbonate mounds V * * * 1 X
Coral gardens V * * * 3
Deep-sea sponge aggregations I, V 1 1 * 4
Intertidal mudflats II, III * 9 10 *
Intertidal Mytilus edulis beds on mixed and sandy sediments II, III * 9 9 *
Lophelia pertusa reefs I, II, III, V - - 1 6
Maerl beds III * 2 9 *
Modiolus modiolus beds II, III * 4 6 *
Ostrea edulis beds III * * 1 *
Sabellaria spinulosa reefs II, III * - - *
Seamounts V * * * 3
Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities II, III * 2 8 2
Zostera beds II, III * 15 15 *
Arctica islandica - Ocean quahog II * 6 8 *
Ostrea edulis - Flat oyster II * - 1 *
Cetorhinus maximus - Basking shark I, II, III, V - - 0 - X
Common skate I, II, III, V - - 1 -
Hoplostethus atlanticus - Orange roughy V * * * 1 X
Petromyzon marinus - Sea lamprey II, III * 1 1 *
Phocoena phocoena - Harbour porpoise II, III - 0 1 -
Rissa tridactyla - Black-legged kittiwake I, II - 19 10 -
Sterna dougallii - Roseate tern II, III, IV, V * 0 * *

* denotes the habitat or species does not occur within the Scottish part of the OSPAR Region.


Email: Michael McLeod

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