
Marine Protected Area Network - 2018 Report to the Scottish Parliament

A report to Parliament on progress being made in

implementing a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.

Annex 6: MPA objectives and progress towards them

The table below provides a description of the symbols used in this annex.



Application in terms of implementation of measures and achievement of objectives


  • Specific fisheries measures are implemented. Other licensable activities controlled through regulatory processes.

  • Protected features are improving in condition or have achieved conservation objectives.


  • Specific fisheries measures are in the process of being implemented. Other licensable activities controlled through regulatory processes.

  • Some protected features are improving in condition or have achieved conservation objectives. Others are not improving in condition or status is unknown.


  • It is uncertain if there is sufficient management in place to address identified threats or pressures.

  • There is not sufficient data to determine if there is progress towards achieving the conservation objectives.

Table 6.1: Progress towards MPA[21] objectives for nature conservation

MPA name

Objectives (COs)

Are measures in place

Have COs have been achieved?

Comments including any further steps required

Central Fladen

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve conservation status of burrowed mud.

Clyde Sea Sill

Conserve - all features



Black guillemot declining since site designation. The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve feature status.

East Caithness Cliffs

Conserve -



Monitoring required to assess progress towards objectives.

East of Gannet and Montrose Fields

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures is expected to improve the conservation status of the protected features. At present it is unknown whether the conservation objectives are being achieved.

Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve the conservation status of the habitats protected within the site.

Fetlar to Haroldswick

Conserve - all features



Some fisheries measures already in place for some fisheries which are helping some features to meet their objectives. Additional measures are being progressed and should further improve feature status.

Firth of Forth Banks Complex

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve the conservation status of the habitats protected within the site.

Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve the conservation status of the habitats protected within the site.

Hatton-Rockall Basin

Conserve - all features



Fisheries is managed under regulation by the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission. Whilst all management measures are in place, there is limited information to comment on the degree to which conservation objectives are being achieved.

Loch Carron

Recover - flame shell beds



Loch Carron MPA was designated on an urgent basis in May 2017 with associated management measures. Recovery of the flame shell beds feature is expected to take up to 10 years.

Loch Creran

Conserve - all features



Required measures were implemented in 2016 enabling the achievement of objectives.

Loch Sunart

Conserve - all features



The serpulid aggregations have significantly declined likely due to natural processes. Required measures were implemented in 2016 enabling the achievement of objectives for other features.

Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura

Conserve - all features



Required measures were implemented in 2016. Research and monitoring activities are ongoing to determine progress towards objectives.

Loch Sween

Conserve - all features



Required measures were implemented in 2016 and the features are considered to be achieving their objectives.

Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh

Conserve - all features



Required measures were implemented in 2016 and the features are considered to be achieving their objectives.

Monach Isles

Conserve - all features



Black guillemot declining since site designation. The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve feature status.

Mousa to Boddam

Conserve - all features



Features are considered to be meeting their objectives. Management measures being progressed for overlapping SAC.

North-east Faroe-Shetland Channel

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve the conservation status of the habitats protected within the site.

North-west Orkney

Conserve - all features



The protected features are considered to be in favourable condition.

Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures is expected to improve the conservation status of the protected features. At present, it is unknown if the conservation objectives for Ocean quahog aggregations are being achieved.

Noss Head

Conserve - horse mussel beds



Required measures were implemented in 2016 and the features are considered to be achieving their objectives.

Papa Westray

Conserve - all features



Black guillemot declining since site designation. The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve feature status. Geodiversity features achieving their objectives.

Rosemary Bank Seamount

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve the conservation status of the habitats protected within the site.

Small Isles

Conserve - all features



The implementation of fisheries management measures should improve feature status.

South Arran

Recover - maerl beds

Conserve - all other features



Measures were introduced in 2016 and features progressing towards achieving objectives. Recovery of maerl beds is likely to take a considerable period of time.

The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount

Conserve - all features



The EU deep-sea trawling ban is considered sufficient to enable the protected features of the site to reach favourable condition.

Turbot Bank

Conserve - sandeels



The absence of a sandeel fishery means the site is likely to be in favourable condition.

Upper Loch Fyne and Loch Goil

Recover - flame shell beds

Conserve - all other features



Management is in place and working towards the objectives. It remains unclear how long flame shell bed recovery with take. Future monitoring will determine progress towards objectives.

West Shetland Shelf

Conserve -



Existing fisheries measures are contributing towards achieving conservation objectives although habitat status needs to be confirmed through monitoring.

Wester Ross

Recover - flame shell beds, maerl beds

Conserve - all other features



Management is in place and working towards the objectives. The recovery of maerl beds and flame shell beds is likely to take considerable time.

Wyre and Rousay Sounds

Conserve - all features



Required measures were implemented in 2016 and the features are considered to be achieving their objectives.

Table 6.2: Progress towards purpose of the Demonstration and Research MPA

MPA name


Comments on progress

Fair Isle

To demonstrate and research the use of an ecosystem approach, which includes the following -

(a) the environmental monitoring of seabirds and of other mobile marine species;

(b) the environmental monitoring of the factors which influence the populations of seabirds and of other mobile species;

(c) the development and implementation of a local sustainable shellfish fishery;

(d) the development of a research programme into local fisheries which includes research on species composition, size, distribution and temporal and spatial changes in fish stocks;

(e) based upon the research undertaken under sub-paragraph (d), the development of a sustainable-use management programme for local fisheries.

A Steering Group has been set up including the local community and representatives of other stakeholders. A research sub-group has been established to help prioritise and co-ordinate research and monitoring relating.

In addition to the specific preservation objectives set out in table 6.3 which vary between MPAs depending on what is appropriate and practicable; all Historic MPAs have the following objectives:

  • to prevent the removal, wholly or partly, of the marine historic asset from within the Historic MPA, except where the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that this is desirable for the purpose of making a significant contribution to the protection of the marine historic asset or to knowledge about marine cultural heritage; and
  • to prevent the commercial exploitation of the marine historic asset for trade, speculation or its irretrievable dispersal other than provision of professional archaeological or public access which is consistent with other preservation objectives.

Table 6.3: Progress towards preservation objectives of Historic MPAs[22]

MPA name

Preservation Objectives (POs)

Current indicator

Trajectory in survival/site condition[23]


To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival <20%

Stable - the site condition of a marine historic asset with localised problems such as erosion is stable, provided the damage remains constant.

Monitoring undertaken in September 2012 - see

to maintain site condition

Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems


To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival unknown but on the basis of available evidence, thought likely to be <20%

Stable - inspection by Cotswold Archaeology in December 2014 - report archiving in progress.

to maintain site condition

Generally satisfactory but with minor localised problems


To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival unknown but on the basis of available evidence, thought likely to be <20%

Unknown - it is not possible to assess the trend in site condition or survival since 2000-2002, the date of the last assessment - see A field assessment was commissioned in 2018 but was postponed due to weather risk.

to maintain site condition

Generally satisfactory but with minor localised problems

MPA name

Preservation Objectives (POs)***

Current indicator

Trajectory in survival/site condition[24]

Out Skerries

To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival <20%

Stable - i.e. the extent of survival/ site condition of a marine historic asset(s) shows little or no sign of active deterioration either recent or mid-term. The site condition of a marine historic asset with localised problems such as erosion is stable, provided the damage remains constant.

Monitoring and interventions since 2016 have addressed localised exposures of potentially vulnerable material at some locations on this site.

For June 2014 monitoring inspections see - and

May-June 2016 - Monitoring and artefact recording/recovery operation by Wessex Archaeology (report archiving in progress).

to maintain site condition

Generally satisfactory but with minor localised problems

MPA name

Preservation Objectives (POs)***

Current indicator

Trajectory in survival/site condition[25]


To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival - estimated at 10-20%

Stable/declining - monitoring visit in 2014 identified evidence of a small extent of exposed hull structure around the main anchor which may lead to the degradation of the surviving hull.

December 2014 monitoring inspection by Cotswold Archaeology (report archiving in progress).

to maintain site condition

Optimum condition

Duart Point

To maintain the extent of survival of the marine historic asset;

Survival 21-40%


December 2014 monitoring inspection by Cotswold Archaeology (report archiving in progress).

to maintain site condition

Optimum condition


To minimise loss of the marine historic asset within the area;

Survival - estimated at 41-60%

Unknown - it is not possible to assess the trend in site condition or survival since 2004 as a field assessment has not been made since then.

August 2004 monitoring report see -

to minimise deterioration of site condition

Generally unsatisfactory with major localised problems

Iona I

To minimise loss of the marine historic asset within the area;

Survival - estimated at 41-60%

Unknown - it is not possible to assess the trend in site condition or survival since 2009 as a field assessment has not been made since then.

March 2009 monitoring report see -

to minimise deterioration of site condition

Extensive problems


Email: Michael McLeod

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