
Marine Protected Area Network - 2018 Report to the Scottish Parliament

A report to Parliament on progress being made in

implementing a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.


1. See

2. As defined in the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 consisting of MPAs, Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas, Sites of Specific Scientific Interest, and Ramsar sites.

3. Does not include MPAs for demonstration & research or historic purposes, or other area based measures

4. Species for which MPAs are considered an appropriate conservation tool

5. The OSPAR Convention for the protection of the marine environment in the North East Atlantic



8. Excludes spatial overlap with North West Rockall SAC

9. EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive

10. Transitional waters have been included in these calculations to allow direct comparisons with the values provided for OSPAR and Scotland's seas as a whole.

11. OSPAR Convention for the protection of the marine environment in the North East Atlantic


13. Greyed cells indicate that the feature is not characteristic of the region. Count includes OABMs

14. Listed as Priority Marine Feature, or Annex II of EU Habitats Directive, or OSPAR threatened and/or declining list

15. Greyed cells indicate that the habitat is not present in the region

16. Listed as Priority Marine Feature, or Annex II of EU Habitats Directive, or OSPAR threatened and/or declining list

17. Greyed cells indicate that the species is not present in the region. Count includes OABMs.

18. Listed in EU Wild Birds Directive, migratory or MPA search feature

19. - Species not a significant presence in sub-region

20. Greyed out cell denotes the habitat or species does not occur within the Scottish part of the OSPAR Region.
"-" indicates that the feature occurs in the region but there is currently insufficient information to warrant consideration of MPAs as a viable conservation tool.

21. This table only considers MPAs that have been designated under the Marine Acts.

22. Explanation for the terms used is set out in

23. Based on site monitoring. This helps to determine whether preservation objectives can and are being met, and to improve provision of management advice and decision-making

24. Based on site monitoring. This helps to determine whether preservation objectives can and are being met, and to improve provision of management advice and decision-making

25. Based on site monitoring. This helps to determine whether preservation objectives can and are being met, and to improve provision of management advice and decision-making

26. Scottish Statutory Instrument


Email: Michael McLeod

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