Marine Protected Area network: 2024 report to the Scottish Parliament
A report to the Scottish Parliament on progress being made in implementing Scotland's Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.
Annex 1: Scottish MPA network statistics
Area values are rounded to the nearest km2 and percentages are rounded to one decimal place.
Site type |
Number |
MPAs for nature conservation |
233 |
MPAs for other purposes |
9 |
Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures |
1 |
All MPAs/measures |
243 |
Site type |
Number |
Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas |
36 |
Special Areas of Conservation |
58 |
Special Protection Areas |
58 |
Sites of Special Scientific Interest |
65 |
Ramsar Sites |
16 |
All nature conservation sites |
233 |
Site type |
Number |
Demonstration and Research MPA |
1 |
Historic MPAs |
8 |
Region |
Region area (km2) |
MPA area (km2) |
% of region in MPAs |
Inshore |
90,406 |
37,885 |
41.9 |
Offshore |
528,339 |
190,236 |
36.0 |
All Scottish waters |
618,744 |
228,121 |
36.9 |
Region Type |
Region |
Region area (km2) |
MPA area (km2) |
% of region in MPAs |
UKMS sub-regions[12] |
Celtic Seas |
492,440 |
215,726 |
43.8 |
Greater North Sea |
126,304 |
14,327 |
11.3[13] |
Scotland |
All Scottish waters |
618,744 |
230,053 |
37.2 |
OSPAR Region | Area ofregion in Scottishwaters (km2) |
MPA area in Scottish waters (km2) |
% MPAcoverage inScottishwaters |
% MPAcoverage ofScottish MPAs in whole region |
Region I – Arctic Waters |
29,394 |
21,491 |
73.1 |
0.4 |
Region II – Greater North Sea |
203,331 |
34,288 |
16.9 |
4.5 |
Region III – Celtic Seas |
80,512 |
30,460 |
37.8 |
8.3 |
Region V – Wider Atlantic |
305,507 |
141,882 |
46.4 |
2.2 |
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