Marine Protected Area network: 2024 report to the Scottish Parliament

A report to the Scottish Parliament on progress being made in implementing Scotland's Marine Protected Area (MPA) network.


1. Previous reports have used the term 'Other Area Based Measures' (OABMs) but this report will instead refer to the more commonly used term 'Other effective area-based conservation measures' (OECMs) as adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

2. Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2021. This is the most recent available published data.

3. United Nations- The ocean – the world's greatest ally againstclimate change

4. There has been a decrease in the number of OECMs since the last report, partly due to the ban on sandeel fishing, introduced in 2024. See Annex 2 for more information.

5. As defined in the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 consisting of Nature Conservation MPAs, Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas, Sites of Specific Scientific Interest, and Ramsar sites.

6. Does not include MPAs for demonstration & research or historic purposes, or other effective area-based conservation measures.

7. This refers to the domestic UK MPA network and does not include overseas territories.

8. Species for which MPAs are considered an appropriate conservation tool.

9. The OSPAR Convention for the protection of the marine environment in the North East Atlantic

10. Evidence of economic benefits from marine protected areas

11. These include under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, the UK Marine Strategy Regulations 2010, and the OSPAR Convention.

12. The parts of the sub-regions occurring within Scottish waters only.

13. Less than the 24,255 km2 and 19.2% reported in 2018, due to the removal of the East Coast of Scotland sandeel closure from the network (formerly considered an OECM) – see Annex 3.

14. Previous reports have used the term 'Other Area Based Measures' (OABMs) but this report will instead refer to the more commonly used term 'Other effective area-based conservation measures' (OECMs) as adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

15. No Demonstration and Research or Historic MPAs have been designated since 2018, all new MPAs are nature conservation sites.

16. Formerly had 'Urgent MPA' status in 2018.

17. Formerly Upper Solway Flats and Marshes SPA. Area values are for the Scottish part of Solway Firth SPA only.

18. Count includes replicates in West Rockall Mound OECM.

19. This report refers to version 2007 of the EUNIS habitat classification.

20. Listed as a Priority Marine Feature where an MPA is considered an appropriate mechanism for protection, on the OSPAR threatened and/or declining list, or in Annex I of EU Habitats Directive.

21. Listed as a Priority Marine Feature where an MPA is considered an appropriate mechanism for protection, on the OSPAR threatened and/or declining list, or in Annex II of EU Habitats Directive.

22. OSPAR Regions where the feature is under threat and/or in decline.

23. Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI)

24. SSI 2015/437 revoked a previous Inshore Fisheries Order – The Inshore Fishing (Prohibition on Fishing) (Lamlash Bay) (Scotland) Order 2008 (2008/317) – and three previous MCOs – The South Arran Marine Conservation Order 2014 (2014/260); The South Arran Marine Conservation (Amendment) Order 2014 (2014/297) and The South Arran Marine Conservation Order 2014 (Urgent Continuation) Order 2015 (2015/303).

25. SSI 2016/88 revoked a previous MCO – The Wester Ross Marine Conservation Order 2015 (2015/302).

26. SSI 2016/90 revoked a previous Inshore Fisheries Order – The Inshore Fishing (Prohibited Methods of Fishing) (Firth of Lorn) (No. 2) Order 2007 (2007/240).

27. SSI 2019/101 revoked two previous MCOs – The Loch Carron Urgent Marine Conservation (No. 2) Order 2017 (2017/205) and the Loch Carron Urgent Marine Conservation (No. 2) Order 2017 (Urgent Continuation) Order 2018 (2018/100).

28. SSI 2022/372 revoked two previous MCOs – The Red Rocks and Longay Urgent Marine Conservation (No. 2) Order 2021 (2021/463) and the Red Rocks and Longay Urgent Marine Conservation (No. 2) Order 2021 (Urgent Continuation) Order 2022 (2022/39).



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