Marine Protected Areas in inshore waters: guidance for undertaking Socio-Economic Impact Assessments (SEIA)

Guidance for assessing social and economic impacts from policies and decisions relating to Marine Protected Areas.

Annex 5. Glossary of terms

Additionality A real increase in social or economic value that would not have occurred in the absence of the intervention.

Business As Usual The continuation of current arrangements as if the intervention under consideration were not to happen. This serves as a benchmark to compare alternative interventions.

CBA Cost Benefit Analysis

Community A commonly used, yet contested concept that can apply at different levels, although generally referring to a place-based grouping of people who are presumed to have some sense of shared identity, some shared interactions of everyday life, and some common social and political institutions. Although individuals experience some impacts at a personal level, the general assumption in SIA is that people live, work and play in social groupings called communities, which are therefore a primary focus in SIA.

Community Cohesion The aspect of togetherness and bonding exhibited by members of a community, the "glue" that holds a community together. This might include features such as a sense of common belonging or cultural similarity.

Counterfactual Sometimes referred to as the baseline, business as usual or 'do nothing' scenario. The 'counterfactual' is what would have happened in the absence of the intervention, and impact is estimated by comparing counterfactual outcomes to those observed under the intervention.

Cultural Heritage The legacy of tangible and intangible and natural heritage assets of a group or society that is inherited from past generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, books, works of art), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, traditional knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally-significant landscapes, important wildlife habitats).

Cumulative Impacts Impacts which result from the incremental consequences of an action when added to other past and reasonably foreseeable future-actions.

C-Square An acronym for concise spatial query and representation system. A system of unique spatial identifiers for anywhere on the globe.

Datazones A set of adjoining polygons with centroids that cover the whole of Scotland. Starting with school catchment areas, groups of complete Census Output Areas (COA) were brought together to form individual Data Zone boundaries that also respect physical boundaries and other boundaries of local significance.

Direct Economic Impacts The contribution from the actual spend and employment which underpins the projects own day-to-day activities.

Economic Impacts A financial effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person.

Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Services are the direct and indirect contributions ecosystems (known as natural capital) provide for human wellbeing and quality of life.

Fisheries Management Measures Legal restrictions put in place to limit or control fishing activity.

Fish1 Form Marine Scotland data collection system for under 10 metre boats which records the landings, species, and location of fishing activity for each week

GDPR The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.

Gear Type The type of equipment people use to fish (e.g. net or creel)

Good Governance A normative understanding about how governance (of any organisation) should occur, including a commitment to accountability, transparency, the rule of law, capacity building, inclusive and participatory process

Governance Refers to the ways organisations, institutions, businesses, and governments manage their affairs. It is the act of governing, involving the application of laws and regulations, but also customs, ethical standards and norms. (also see Good governance

GVA Gross Value Added

Home Port The port a fishing vessel is registered at

ICES The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. They are in charge of stock assessments and quota distribution and Marine Scotland provide them with data that is used in assessments and landings statistics

ICES squares/rectangles A standardised division of the sea for statistical analysis, just like a map on land is divided into OS squares

Indicators Data which provides a measure of a concept, and is typically used in quantitative research. An indicator is an observable and measurable entity that serves to define a concept in a practical way.

Indirect Economic Impacts This includes the economic benefits from the projects suppliers using revenues from trading to, in turn, make expenditures on staff and other goods and services

Induced Economic Impacts This includes the economic benefits from those employed directly by the project, spending their wages and salaries on good and services across the economy

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Landing Port The port where a fishing vessel lands its catch

Leakage Leakage is the extent to which effects "leak out" of a target area into others e.g. workers commuting into other areas to take up new employment opportunities.

Level of scale Geographic area over which social and economic activities occur. Local, regional and national domains exist in a "form of hierarchy" that is not separate or discrete but interconnected.

Local Geographic level describing the area immediately close to or affected by a proposal or activity

Logbook A record containing data about a vessel's fishing activities. In the past this has been recorded on paper, but this system will be replaced by electronic logbooks which will record and submit the data automatically

MCO Marine Conservation Order

Measures Things that can be counted, such as personal income, household income, age, number of children, or number of years spent at school. Measures, in other words, are quantities.

Mitigation The process of devising and implementing processes, procedures and/or changes to a planned intervention in order to avoid, reduce or minimise, or to compensate (offset) for impacts likely to be experienced.

MPA Marine Protected Area. MPA is the generic term used to refer to a site which has been created for marine protection and contributes to the overall MPA network.

National 'National' could refer to Scotland or the UK. 'Scotland' or 'UK' are used for the most part in the guidance.

Natural Capital That part of nature which directly or indirectly underpins value to people, including ecosystems, species, freshwater, soils, minerals, the air and oceans, as well as natural processes and functions.

ORE Offshore Renewable Energy

OWF Offshore Wind Farm

Participatory Methods Participatory methods (PMs) include a range of activities with a common thread: enabling ordinary people to play an active and influential part in decisions which affect their lives. This means that people are not just listened to, but also heard; and that their voices shape outcomes.

PMF Priority Marine Feature

Regional Geographical scale encompassing a number of 'local areas' in a larger unit, smaller than the national level.

SAC Special Area of Conservation

SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA Socio-economic Impact Assessment

SIA Social Impact Assessment

SNBC Statutory Nature Conservation Body

Social Capital Networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. It involves the effective functioning of social groups through interpersonal relationships, a shared sense of identity, a shared understanding, shared norms, shared values, trust, cooperation, and reciprocity.

Social Impacts The effect on people and communities that happens as a result of an action or inaction, an activity, project, programme or policy.

SPA Special Area of Protection

Stakeholder Includes all individuals, organisations and interest groups who are affected by, or can affect, a given operation.

VMS Vessel Monitoring System. An onboard tracking device that transmits a position at least every two hours. A legal requirement for fishing vessels over 12 metres overall length.



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