
Marine science and innovation strategy

Establishes the vision for marine science and innovation in Scotland and six outcomes to strengthen the impact of marine science, evidence and data.

2. Who we are

Scottish Government's Marine Directorate leads on marine and elements of freshwater management in Scotland. The Marine Directorate integrates core functions involving research, compliance, monitoring and policy to manage Scotland's seas and rivers.

The Marine Directorate has over one hundred years' experience delivering high quality science and advice on Scotland's rivers and seas. Its science has been responsive to the changing demands of how we engage with Scotland's seas and rivers, including our role in addressing the climate crisis and nature crisis at a time where all governments are facing very challenging budgets.

The Programme for Government focuses on policy and legislative commitments that will make the biggest difference in the current economic situation. It is in this context that the Science and Innovation Strategy is framed to support the Scottish Government in responding to Scotland's needs now and in the future when we are in the midst of rapid environmental change.

This Science and Innovation Strategy flows from the Scottish Government's Blue Economy Vision and is aligned with our aquaculture vision, wild salmon strategy, biodiversity strategy and our new innovation strategy and the Government's ten-year economic strategy. As always, the direction of these strategies and visions are aimed at improving Scotland's National Performance Framework, which in turn allows us to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Scottish Government's Marine science and innovation strategy will maximise the opportunities that Scotland's assets afford us. We will do that by working closely in collaboration with other scientific partners and institutions in addition to policy colleagues and social scientists and communities across Scotland, and internationally. We will build on our rich maritime history of trusted expert scientific knowledge while seeking to venture into pioneering new approaches

The culture we will create for our science, evidence, data and digital work is one that is:

  • Collaborative
  • Curious
  • Competent
  • Inclusive
  • Diverse

These were the thoughts captured during one of our workshops with science and policy colleagues in the design of the new strategy

where appropriate to maximise the opportunities arising, for example, from the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and new technology. We will also ensure that the knowledge and learning gleaned from those opportunities is transferred through courageous story-telling and communication to inspire our communities.

i. Vision

We will be innovative in using science, evidence and data to develop, strengthen and evaluate our policies and promote opportunity in delivering the Blue Economy vision.

ii. Mission

Our mission is to provide the scientific evidence and data for policies, regulatory and statutory duties that contribute to the delivery of long-term benefits to nature and the people of Scotland. We will provide science leadership across Scotland by entering into dynamic partnerships with collaborators from across Scotland, and internationally. By effectively and efficiently delivering this mission our aspiration is that our science, impactful research and data ensures that the marine and freshwater environment is healthy and vibrant and in balance with thriving business and communities.

iii. Values

Our Scottish Government values represent who we are, who we aspire to be, and what we believe in. They build on the foundations of our Civil Service Code and National Performance Framework aspirations. They guide how we act, the decisions we take and how we work together, across all parts of government, to improve the lives of the people of Scotland.

Our values are:

  • we act with integrity;
  • we are inclusive;
  • we are collaborative;
  • we are innovativeand
  • we are kind

Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that live in the ocean and produce 50% of the world's oxygen.



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