Marine science: quality assurance

Information about quality assurance work undertaken by Marine Scotland Science (MSS).

The BECME sub-group concerns itself with biological effects monitoring for the Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy, and therefore works between the Clean and Safe Seas Evidence Gathering Group (CSSEG) and the Protocols Group.

BECME ensures that the UK meets its requirements for biological effects monitoring of marine waters under the OSPAR Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) and other drivers. Several ecotoxicological methods are used in the UK to monitor the biological effects of environmental contaminants. BECME advises CSSEG on the use of these methods and coordinates analytical quality control of the methods and resulting databases.

In recent years, the predecessor to BECME has stimulated a coordinated programme of biological effects monitoring in ten estuaries across the UK. BECME meets quarterly and has representatives from all the UK CMAs (Competent Monitoring Authorities). The group is chaired by John Thain (CEFAS) and FRS is represented by Matt Gubbins from the Environmental Impacts Group.


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