
Offshore wind, wave and tidal energy applications: consenting and licensing manual

This document provides guidance on applying for consents and marine licences for offshore renewable energy projects within both Scottish Territorial Waters (out to 12 nautical miles (“nm”)) and Scottish Offshore Waters (12-200 nm). It updates and replaces the draft Marine Scotland Licensing and Consents Manual published in 2013.


AA - Appropriate Assessment

BEIS - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

BT - British Telecom

CAA - Civil Aviation Authority

cSAC - candidate Special Area of Conservation

DECC - Department of Energy and Climate Change

dSAC - draft Special Area of Conservation

dSPA - draft Special Protection Area

EA - Environmental Assessment

ECU - Energy Consents Unit

EEA - European Economic Area

EEC - European Economic Community

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

EIA Report - Environmental Impact Assessment Report

ES - Environmental Statement

EMP - Environmental Management Plan

EPS - European Protected Species

FEAST - Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool

FLO - Fisheries Liaison Officer

HES - Historic Environment Scotland

HRA - Habitats Regulations Appraisal

HSE - Health and Safety Executive

IALA - International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities

IROPI - Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest

JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee

LSE - Likely Significant Effect

MCA - Maritime and Coastguard Agency

MGN - Marine Guidance Note

ML - Marine Licence

MoD - Ministry of Defence

MPA - Marine Protected Areas

MPP - Marine Planning Partnership

MRFG - Marine Renewable Facilitators Group

MS - Marine Scotland

MS-LOT - Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team

MSS - Marine Scotland Science

MW - Megawatt(s)

NATS - National Air Traffic Services

NLB - Northern Lighthouse Board

nm - Nautical Miles

NRA - Navigational Risk Assessment

OFTO - Offshore Transmission Operator

OMR - Offshore Marine Regulations

PA - Planning Authority

PAC - Pre-application Consultation

PEMP - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme

PLI - Public Local Inquiry

pSAC - proposed Special Area of Conservation

pSPA - proposed Special Protection Area

RAG - Regional Advisory Group

Ramsar - The Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971)

SAC - Special Area of Conservation

SCI - Sites of Community Importance

ScotMER - Scottish Marine Energy Research programme

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency

SG - Scottish Government

SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage

SMP - Sectoral Marine Plan

SPA - Special Protection Area

SpORRAn - Scottish Offshore Renewables Research Framework

S.36 - Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989

s.105 - Section 105 of the Energy Act 2004 (as amended)

TPC - Third Party Certification

TPV - Third Party Verification

VHF - very high frequency

WANE - Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act


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