
Marine Scotland Science Report 01/15: Status of Scottish Salmon and Sea Trout Stocks 2014

Report assessing the status of Scottish salmon and sea trout stocks in 2014, based on the annual salmon and sea trout catch statistics.

Further Information


Information on the salmon catch statistics, including how they are collected and up to date figures can be obtained at:

Detailed analysis of the rod catches are presented in the following papers:

Smith, G.W., Middlemas, S.J. and Maclean, J.C. (2014). Assessing the status of Scottish Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) stocks using reported catch data: a modelling approach to account for catch and release in the rod & line fishery. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science 5 (11): 16pp.

Thorley, J.L., Youngson, A.F. and Laughton, R. (2007). Seasonal variation in rod recapture rates indicates differential exploitation of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, stock components. Fisheries Management and Ecology 14 (3), 191-198,

Youngson A.F, MacLean J.C, Fryer R.J (2002). Rod catch trends for early-running MSW salmon in Scottish rivers (1952-1997): divergence among stock components. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 59, 836-849.

Vøllestad L. A., Hirst D., L'Abee-Lund J. H., Armstrong J. D., MacLean J. C., Youngson A. F., Stenseth N. Chr. (2009). Divergent trends in anadromous salmonid populations in Norwegian and Scottish rivers. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 276 1021-1027.

The following report also contains a discussion over the relative merits of rod catches and juvenile sampling.


An information leaflet on fish counters can be obtained at:

The following paper examined the relationship between rod catch and counter data:

Thorley J.L., Eatherley D.M.R., Stephen A.B., Simpson I., MacLean J.C., et al. (2005). Congruence between automatic fish counter data and rod catches of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Scottish rivers. ICES J Mar Sci 62: 809-817.

Deeside Traps

Information on the Girnock and Baddoch traps can be found in the following publication, and website

Bacon, P. J., I. A. Malcolm, R. J. Fryer, R. S. Glover, C. P. Millar, and A. F. Youngson. Can conservation stocking enhance juvenile emigrant production in wild Atlantic Salmon ( Salmo salar)? (in press). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Shieldaig Trap

Information on the Shieldaig trap can be found in the following publication and website:

Shieldaig, Scotland. In Sea trout: biology, conservation and management (eds Harris, G. S., Milner, N. J.), pp. 349-355. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing


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