
Natural capital - market framework: engagement paper

This engagement paper summarises the key natural capital market framework co -development issues and questions that will be explored. The content will be used to help inform, guide and support all participants during the engagement and co-development process.


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BSI, 2024. BSI Flex 701 v.1 Nature Markets – Overarching principles and framework – Specification. British Standards Institution.

Defra, 2023. Nature Markets: A Framework for Scaling up Private Investment in Nature Recovery and Sustainable Farming. HM Government.

ICVCM, 2023. Core Carbon Principles, Assessment Framework and Assessment Procedure. The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM).

IUCN 2023. Peatland Code Version 2.0: Peatland Code V2 - FINAL - WEB_2.pdf (

MSCI, 2023. VCMI Claims Code of Practice – Important progress but the difficult stuff still lies ahead. Available online:

Peeters, M. and Deketelaere, K. eds., 2006. EU climate change policy: the challenge of new regulatory initiatives. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Persson, Å., 2011. Institutionalising Climate Adaptation Finance Under the UNFCCC and Beyond: Could an Adaptation ʹMarketʹ Emerge? Stockholm Environment Institute.

Scottish Land Commission, 2022. Natural Capital and Land: Recommendations for a Just Transition. Scottish Government.

Scottish Land Commission, 2023. Delivering Community Benefits from Land: Delivering Community Benefits from Land (

Scottish Land Commission, 2023. Responsible Natural Capital and Carbon Management Responsible Natural Capital and Carbon Management (

Taskforce on Nature Markets, 2023. Consultation Paper: The Future of Biodiversity Credit Markets: Governing High-Performance Biodiversity Credit Markets. Nature Finance: Geneva.

Teo, H.C., Tan, N.H.L., Zheng, Q., et al., 2023. Uncertainties in deforestation emission baseline methodologies and implications for carbon markets. Nature Communications, 14, 8277.

Teytelboym, A. (2019). Natural capital market design. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 35(1), 138–161.

UKIB, 2022. Discussion Paper: Our role in Natural Capital Markets. UK Infrastructure Bank.

Wibisana, A.G., 2006. Three principles of environmental law: The polluter-pays principle, the principle of prevention, and the precautionary principle (pp. 24-76). Edward Elgar: Northampton, UK.

Woodland Carbon Code, 2022. Woodland Carbon Code: Requirements for voluntary carbon sequestration projects Standard & Guidance - UK Woodland Carbon Code



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