Marketing of Organic Heterogeneous Material (OHM): consultation results

Consultation results on the proposed legislative options and scope of marketing organic heterogenous material (OHM) in Scotland.

Respondent breakdown

Figure 1: Respondent breakdown infographic
This infographic contains 3 separate doughnut charts with the following respondent breakdowns; Industry sector, broken down by Horticulture / crofting (33%), Seed production (20%), Other (23%), Commercial farming (14%), Research (10%). Respondent type, broken down by Organisation (63%) and Individual (37%).Geographical area, broken down by Scotland (80%), England (17%) and International (3%).

The majority of respondents were organisations (63%) whilst individuals made up the remainder (37%).

The majority of respondents were based in Scotland (80%), followed by England (17%) and with a small minority being international (outside of UK) (3%).

The largest industry contributor was ‘Horticulture / crofting (33%), followed by ‘Other’ (23%), Seed production (20%), Commercial farming (14%) and Research (10%).

Please note in the context of this analysis the following industry sectors have been assigned clear definitions:

  • Horticulture / Crofting refers to respondents who focus on recreational or subsistence farming (meeting the needs of self / family / community).
  • Commercial farming refers to respondents who focus on generating profits / meet market demand.
  • Other includes:
    • Representative bodies
    • Certification bodies
    • Environmental charities
    • Artisan bakeries
    • N/A (response left blank)



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