
Masterplan Consent Area Regulations: consultation responses summary

Summary of the responses to the Masterplan Consent Area Regulations consultation.

Question 8

Question 8) Are there any further aspects you consider should be required to be included in a MCA scheme? Please specify and explain why.

A total of 43 respondents answered this question and provided comment. This ‘open’ question provided an opportunity for respondents to highlight any other aspects of MCA schemes they which wish to be considered.

Summary /Themes

This question received a range of responses across a range of areas.

There were a number of additional topics which respondents wished to see considered within MCA schemes including biodiversity, ecology and the nature and climate crises. Other respondents suggested that infrastructure and placemaking considerations must also be factored into MCA schemes.

Two Planning Authorities and one Third Sector respondent requested that MCA guidance should set out that the level of information required for a MCA scheme should be similar to the level required for a planning application, to ensure a robust approach. One Planning Authority wished to see MCA schemes include floorspace thresholds for each particular use and also more information on how a planning authority should confirm a developers proposals are compliant with a finalised MCA scheme. In terms of MCA scheme plans, a few respondents suggested these could incorporate digital mapping and also identify restrictions.

Two Third Sector responses requested that MCA schemes should publish environmental assessment information and details of engagement alongside the final MCA scheme.

Three Planning Authorities considered it would be helpful if guidance provided more information on roles and responsibilities of those involved in preparing a MCA, for example the role of elected members.

A number of respondents referred to concerns on how planning authorities will resource the preparation of MCAs. Some Development, Property & Land Management sector & Agents and Planning Authorities suggested MCA schemes should include details of discretionary charging and any developer contribution requirements.

Some respondents suggested that further MCA guidance should be kept under review, providing scope to add further requirements in future if required.



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